FBHF< Welcome to the Professional Nutritionist's On-line Help To get context sensitive help from anywhere in the program press F1. The highlighted terms which appear on some help screens lead to other help screens. You can use the tab key to move forward from highlighted term to term, or use shift-tab to move backwards, then press enter to bring up the help screen on the highlighted term. With a mouse just double-click to choose a highlighted term. n Alt-F1 returns to the previous help topic; you can backtrack through any number of help screens in this way. A To zoom the help window full screen click on the zoom icon [ To put a help screen away press ESC or click on the close icon [ The menu bar is accessed by pressing F10. You can access menus directly by pressing Alt-Z, where Z is the first letter of the menu. For example, the "File" menu is pulled down by Alt-F. 9 For more help getting started see the following topics: drag Highlighted terms on help screens The highlighted terms which appear on some help screens lead to other help screens. You can use the arrow keys or the tab key to move from highlighted term to term, then press enter to bring up the help screen on that term. With a mouse just click to choose a highlighted term. q Press Alt-F1 to return to the previous topic; you can backtrack through any number of help screens in this way. Click The term click means pressing and releasing the left mouse button while positioning the mouse cursor over an item on the screen. # You click to select menu commands F Only the left mouse button is used by the Professional Nutritionist. Also see: + double-click drag Drag The term drag means moving the mouse after positioning the mouse cursor over an item on the screen and holding down the left mouse button. You drag to adjust the size and position of windows. You can drag on the resize corner (lower right) of a resizable window to adjust the window's size. You can drag on a window's title to adjust the window's position. You can also drag over text to select it (the selected text becomes highlighted). In an input box selected text is replaced by whatever you type. In a text window, selected text can be cut or copied to the clipboard, moved, or used in search and replace dialogs. Also see: 0 click double-click Double-click The term double-click means clicking rapidly twice. Double-clicking is a short cut way of selecting an item and executing a default action on the item in one motion. For example in a open file dialog, double-clicking over a filename in the list-box opens the file. F Only the left mouse button is used by the Professional Nutritionist. Also see: drag History List JSmith - User05 Clients/JDoe ../Members/User1 Rick.Dia A history list allows you to select from the last few items you've typed into the attached input box. You can summon a history list when ever you see a down arrow next to an input box. Click on the down arrow or press the down arrow key to display the history list. P You can edit an entry from the history list, or can select an entry unchanged. ` Press Esc or click on the close icon [ ] to close the history list without making a selection. Abbreviations in Food Names ASCACID = Ascorbic Acid BF = Beef BLD = Boiled BONELS = Boneless BRL = Broiled BRS = Braised BSCT = Biscuit CALC = Calcium CER = Cereal CHC = Choice CHS = Cheese CHNKY = Chunky CND = Canned COCN = Coconut COMM/COMMCL = Commercial CON = Condiments CONC = Concentrated COND = Condensed CRMD = Creamed CRN = Corn CT/CTS = Cottonseed DEHYD = Dehydrated DK = Dark DOM = Domestic DRN = Drained FLR = Flour FLT = Flat FORT = Fortified FRST = Frosted FRT = Fruit FRZ/FRZN = Frozen FSFD = Fast Food H = 1/2" trim HILIN = High Linoleic HI-MT = High Meat HYDRG = Hydrogenated HYDROG/HYD = Hydrogenated JCE = Juice JEL = Jellied JR = Junior L&F = Lean and Fat LAUR = Lauric Acid Oils LO H2O = Low Moisture LT = Light MRG = Margarine MLK = Milk MT = Meat NA = Sodium NA2PO4 = Sodium Phosphate NAT/NATRL = Natural NFDM = NonFat Dry Milk NZ = New Zealand P = Phosphorous PASTPROC = Pasteurized Process PDNG = Pudding PK/PRK = Pork PLM = Palm PRES = Pressurized PRM = Prime PROD = Products PRP = Prepared PT = Point Q = 1/4" trim REFRDGH = Refrigerator Dough RSN = Raisin RST = Roasted RTE = Ready-To-Eat RTS = Ready-to-Serve SAFL = Safflower SEL = Select SK = Skin SLC = Slice SLFRSN = Self-Rising SLT = Salt SQR = Square SRP = Syrup STRN = Strained SUNF = Sunflower SWT = Sweetened SY = Soy TAP = Tapioca UNCT = Uncoated UNS = Unsalted UNSP = Unspecified WTR = Water WHL = Whole XTR = Extra Z = Zero inch trim Open a Food File dialog box The Open a Food File dialog box allows you to load or create a food file and display its contents in a Food-list dialog box. The Open a Food File dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Open), plus a history list that's attached to the name input box. p Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the Food file to load or create, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.FOD). Files ALLFOODS.FOD GOODFOOD.FOD FASTFOOD.FOD BADFOOD.FOD MYFOOD.FOD MCDFOOD.FOD MOREFOOD.FOD WENDFOOD.FOD SOMEFOOD.FOD .. YOURFOOD.FOD \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.FOD \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.FOD \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\PN\CLIENTS\*.FOD JSMITH.FOD 52 Jan 23,1992 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. 4 Open The Open button opens a Food-list dialog box for the selected Food file. 4 Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the Food file to load or create, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.FOD). Owned by... Open dialog Files ALLFOODS.FOD GOODFOOD.FOD FASTFOOD.FOD BADFOOD.FOD MYFOOD.FOD MCDFOOD.FOD MOREFOOD.FOD WENDFOOD.FOD SOMEFOOD.FOD .. YOURFOOD.FOD \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.FOD \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.FOD \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. ~ To open a file double-click on the file name. You can also click the file name (or move the cursor to it), then choose Open. F If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to open the selected file. Owned by... Open dialog Open The Open button opens a Food-list dialog box for a selected food file. You can enter a name for the food file in the Name input box or just select one from the Files list-box. Once a file name has been selected press enter, or use the open button to open a Food-list dialog box. Press cancel if you've changed your mind. _ As a short-cut, to open a file you can double-click on the file's name in the Files list-box. Owned by... Open dialog Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) Owned by... Open dialog Open a Diary File dialog box The Open a Diary File dialog box allows you to load or create a diary file and display its contents in a Diary dialog box. The Open a Diary File dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Open), plus a history list that's attached to the name input box. q Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the diary file to load or create, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.DIA). Files DIARY101.DIA DIARY109.DIA DIARY102.DIA DIARY110.DIA DIARY103.DIA DIARY111.DIA DIARY104.DIA DIARY112.DIA DIARY105.DIA .. DIARY106.DIA \CLIENTS DIARY107.DIA \MEMBERS DIARY108.DIA \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\PN\CLIENTS\*.DIA JSMITH.DIA 52 Jan 23,1992 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. 4 Open The Open button opens a Diary dialog box for a selected diary file. 4 Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the diary file to load or create, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.DIA). Owned by... Open Diary dialog Files DIARY101.DIA DIARY109.DIA DIARY102.DIA DIARY110.DIA DIARY103.DIA DIARY111.DIA DIARY104.DIA DIARY112.DIA DIARY105.DIA .. DIARY106.DIA \CLIENTS DIARY107.DIA \MEMBERS DIARY108.DIA \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. ~ To open a file double-click on the file name. You can also click the file name (or move the cursor to it), then choose Open. F If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to open the selected file. Owned by... Open Diary dialog Open The Open button opens a Diary dialog box for a selected diary file. You can enter a name for the diary file in the Diary input box or just select one from the Files list-box. Once a file name has been selected press enter, or use the open button to open a Diary dialog box. Press cancel if you've changed your mind. _ As a short-cut, to open a file you can double-click on the file's name in the Files list-box. Owned by... Open Diary dialog Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) Owned by... Open Diary dialog Open a Variable File dialog box The Open a Variable File dialog box allows you to load or create a diary file and display its contents in a Variable-list dialog box. The Open a Variable File dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Open), plus a history list that's attached to the name input box. q Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the Variable file to load or create, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.VAR). Files ALLFOODS.VAR GOODFOOD.VAR FASTFOOD.VAR BADFOOD.VAR MYFOOD.VAR MCDFOOD.VAR MOREFOOD.VAR WENDFOOD.VAR SOMEFOOD.VAR .. YOURFOOD.VAR \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.VAR \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.VAR \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\PN\CLIENTS\*.VAR JSMITH.VAR 52 Jan 23,1992 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. 4 Open The Open button opens a Variable-list dialog box for the selected variable file. 4 Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the Variable file to load or create, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.VAR Owned by... # Open Variable dialog Files ALLFOODS.VAR GOODFOOD.VAR FASTFOOD.VAR BADFOOD.VAR MYFOOD.VAR MCDFOOD.VAR MOREFOOD.VAR WENDFOOD.VAR SOMEFOOD.VAR .. YOURFOOD.VAR \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.VAR \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.VAR \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. ~ To open a file double-click on the file name. You can also click the file name (or move the cursor to it), then choose Open. F If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to open the selected file. Owned by... # Open Variable dialog Open The Open button opens a Variable-list dialog box for a selected Variable file. You can enter a name for the Variable file in the Variable input box or just select one from the Files list-box. Once a file name has been selected press enter, or use the open button to open a Variable-list dialog box. Press cancel if you've changed your mind. _ As a short-cut, to open a file you can double-click on the file's name in the Files list-box. Owned by... # Open Variable dialog Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) Owned by... # Open Variable dialog Open a Chart File dialog box The Open a Chart File dialog box allows you to load or create a chart file and display its contents in a Chart-list dialog box. The Open a Chart File dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Open), plus a history list that's attached to the name input box. p Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the Chart file to load or create, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.CHA). Files ALLFOODS.CHA GOODFOOD.CHA FASTFOOD.CHA BADFOOD.CHA MYFOOD.CHA MCDFOOD.CHA MOREFOOD.CHA WENDFOOD.CHA SOMEFOOD.CHA .. YOURFOOD.CHA \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.CHA \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.CHA \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\PN\CLIENTS\*.CHA JSMITH.CHA 52 Jan 23,1992 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. 4 Open The Open button opens a Chart-list dialog box for a selected Chart file. 4 Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the Chart file to load or create, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.CHA). Owned by... Open Chart dialog Files ALLFOODS.CHA GOODFOOD.CHA FASTFOOD.CHA BADFOOD.CHA MYFOOD.CHA MCDFOOD.CHA MOREFOOD.CHA WENDFOOD.CHA SOMEFOOD.CHA .. YOURFOOD.CHA \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.CHA \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.CHA \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. ~ To open a file double-click on the file name. You can also click the file name (or move the cursor to it), then choose Open. F If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to open the selected file. Owned by... Open Chart dialog Open The Open button opens a Chart-list dialog box for a selected Chart file. You can enter a name for the Chart file in the Chart input box or just select one from the Files list-box. Once a file name has been selected press enter, or use the open button to open a Chart-list dialog box. Press cancel if you've changed your mind. _ As a short-cut, to open a file you can double-click on the file's name in the Files list-box. Owned by... Open Chart dialog Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) Owned by... Open Chart dialog Open a Text File dialog box The Open a Text File dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Open), plus a history list that's attached to the name input box. q Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the Text file to load or create, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.TXT). Files ALLFOODS.TXT GOODFOOD.TXT FASTFOOD.TXT BADFOOD.TXT MYFOOD.TXT MCDFOOD.TXT MOREFOOD.TXT WENDFOOD.TXT SOMEFOOD.TXT .. YOURFOOD.TXT \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.TXT \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.TXT \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\PN\CLIENTS\*.TXT JSMITH.TXT 52 Jan 23,1992 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. 4 Open The Open button opens a Text window for the selected Text file. 4 Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the Text file to load or create, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.TXT). Owned by... Open dialog Files ALLFOODS.TXT GOODFOOD.TXT FASTFOOD.TXT BADFOOD.TXT MYFOOD.TXT MCDFOOD.TXT MOREFOOD.TXT WENDFOOD.TXT SOMEFOOD.TXT .. YOURFOOD.TXT \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.TXT \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.TXT \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. ~ To open a file double-click on the file name. You can also click the file name (or move the cursor to it), then choose Open. F If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to open the selected file. Owned by... Open dialog Open The Open button opens a Text window for a selected Text file. You can enter a name for the Text file in the Text input box or just select one from the Files list-box. Once a file name has been selected press enter, or use the open button to open a Text window. Press cancel if you've changed your mind. _ As a short-cut, to open a file you can double-click on the file's name in the Files list-box. Owned by... Open dialog Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) Owned by... Open dialog Retrieve Desktop dialog box The Retrieve Desktop dialog box allows you to recall a desktop configuration that was previously saved with the Save Desktop command. The desktop configuration includes the video mode, the contents of all history lists, and all desktop objects such as file windows, icons, dialog boxes, and calculators. The Retrieve Desktop dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Ok), plus a history list that's attached to the name input box. p Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the Desktop File to load, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.DPN). Files ALLFOODS.DPN GOODFOOD.DPN FASTFOOD.DPN BADFOOD.DPN MYFOOD.DPN MCDFOOD.DPN MOREFOOD.DPN WENDFOOD.DPN SOMEFOOD.DPN .. YOURFOOD.DPN \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.DPN \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.DPN \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\PN\CLIENTS\*.DPN JSMITH.DPN 52 Jan 23,1992 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. 3 Ok The Ok button loads the desktop configuration from the selected Desktop File. 4 Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the Desktop File to load, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.DPN). Owned by... Retrieve Desktop dialog Files ALLFOODS.DPN GOODFOOD.DPN FASTFOOD.DPN BADFOOD.DPN MYFOOD.DPN MCDFOOD.DPN MOREFOOD.DPN WENDFOOD.DPN SOMEFOOD.DPN .. YOURFOOD.DPN \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.DPN \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.DPN \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. ~ To open a file double-click on the file name. You can also click the file name (or move the cursor to it), then choose Open. F If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to open the selected file. Owned by... Retrieve Desktop dialog Ok The Ok button loads the desktop configuration from a file previously stored with the Save Desktop command. You can enter a name for the Desktop File in the Desk input box or just select one from the Files list-box. Once a file name has been selected press enter, or use the open button to open a Desk-list dialog box:FlistDlg. Press cancel if you've changed your mind. j As a short-cut, to load a desktop you can double-click on the desktop file's name in the Files list-box. NOTE: after a desktop is loaded, file windows reflect current file content, not file content at the time the desktop was saved Owned by... Retrieve Desktop dialog Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) Owned by... Retrieve Desktop dialog Change Directory dialog box The Change Directory dialog box consists of an input box, a list box, the standard OK and Help buttons, and two other buttons (Chdir and Revert). | Directory Name The Directory Name input box is where you type in the path of the new directory. Directory Tree Drives C:\ PN CLIENTS The Directory Tree list-box enables you to navigate directories by using the selecting bar and pressing Enter. If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to make the selected directory be the current directory, then choose OK or press Esc to exit the dialog box. 4 Chdir The Chdir button changes the current directory once you've selected or typed in a directory name. 4 Revert The Revert button goes back to the previous directory, as long as you haven't yet exited the dialog box. Save Food File As dialog box The Save Food File As dialog box allows you to save the contents of a Food-list dialog box in a file under a different name, in a different directory, or on a different disk drive. The Food-list dialog box from which the file is saved assumes the new name. The Save Food File As dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Ok), plus a history list that's attached to the name input box. x Save The Save File As input box is where you enter a new name for the Food file to be saved, or a file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.FOD). Files ALLFOODS.FOD GOODFOOD.FOD FASTFOOD.FOD BADFOOD.FOD MYFOOD.FOD MCDFOOD.FOD MOREFOOD.FOD WENDFOOD.FOD SOMEFOOD.FOD .. YOURFOOD.FOD \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.FOD \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.FOD \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\PN\CLIENTS\*.FOD JSMITH.FOD 52 Jan 23,1992 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. 4 Ok The Ok button saves the contents of the active Food-list dialog box using the selected file name, directory, and drive. M The Food-list dialog box from which the file is saved assumes the new name. 4 Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. Save File As The Save File As input box is where you enter a new name for the Food file to be saved, or a file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.FOD). Owned by... Save dialog Files ALLFOODS.FOD GOODFOOD.FOD FASTFOOD.FOD BADFOOD.FOD MYFOOD.FOD MCDFOOD.FOD MOREFOOD.FOD WENDFOOD.FOD SOMEFOOD.FOD .. YOURFOOD.FOD \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.FOD \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.FOD \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. To save to a file double-click on the file name. You can also click the file name (or move the cursor to it), then choose Ok. I If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to save to the selected file. Owned by... Save dialog Ok The Ok button saves the contents of the active Food-list dialog box using the selected file name, directory, and drive. You can enter a new name for the food file in the Save input box or just select one from the Files list-box. Once a file name has been selected press enter, or use the Ok button to perform the save. Press cancel if you've changed your mind. _ As a short-cut, to do the save you can double-click on the file's name in the Files list-box. M The Food-list dialog box from which the file is saved assumes the new name. Owned by... Save dialog Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) Owned by... Save dialog Save Diary File As dialog box The Save Diary File As dialog box allows you to save the contents of a Diary dialog box in a file under a different name, in a different directory, or on a different disk drive. The Diary dialog box from which the file is saved assumes the new name. The Save Diary File As dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Ok), plus a history list that's attached to the name input box. x Save The Save File As input box is where you enter a new name for the Diary file to be saved, or a file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.DIA). Files DIARY101.DIA DIARY109.DIA DIARY102.DIA DIARY110.DIA DIARY103.DIA DIARY111.DIA DIARY104.DIA DIARY112.DIA DIARY105.DIA .. DIARY106.DIA \CLIENTS DIARY107.DIA \MEMBERS DIARY108.DIA \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\PN\CLIENTS\*.DIA JSMITH.DIA 52 Jan 23,1992 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. 3 Ok The Ok button saves the contents of the active Diary dialog box using the selected file name, directory, and drive. I The Diary dialog box from which the file is saved assumes the new name. 4 Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. Save File As The Save File As input box is where you enter a new name for the Diary file to be saved, or a file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.DIA). Owned by... ! Save Diary dialog Files DIARY101.DIA DIARY109.DIA DIARY102.DIA DIARY110.DIA DIARY103.DIA DIARY111.DIA DIARY104.DIA DIARY112.DIA DIARY105.DIA .. DIARY106.DIA \CLIENTS DIARY107.DIA \MEMBERS DIARY108.DIA \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. To save to a file double-click on the file name. You can also click the file name (or move the cursor to it), then choose Ok. I If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to save to the selected file. Owned by... ! Save Diary dialog Ok The Ok button saves the contents of the active Diary dialog box using the selected file name, directory, and drive. You can enter a new name for the Diary file in the Save input box or just select one from the Files list-box. Once a file name has been selected press enter, or use the Ok button to perform the save. Press cancel if you've changed your mind. _ As a short-cut, to save a file you can double-click on the file's name in the Files list-box. I The Diary dialog box from which the file is saved assumes the new name. Owned by... ! Save Diary dialog Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) Owned by... ! Save Diary dialog Save Variable File As dialog box The Save Variable File As dialog box allows you to save the contents of a Variable-list dialog box in a file under a different name, in a different directory, or on a different disk drive. The Variable-list dialog box from which the file is saved assumes the new name. The Save Variable File As dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Ok), plus a history list that's attached to the name input box. x Save The Save File As input box is where you enter a new name for the Variable file to be saved, or a file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.VAR). Files ALLFOODS.VAR GOODFOOD.VAR FASTFOOD.VAR BADFOOD.VAR MYFOOD.VAR MCDFOOD.VAR MOREFOOD.VAR WENDFOOD.VAR SOMEFOOD.VAR .. YOURFOOD.VAR \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.VAR \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.VAR \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\PN\CLIENTS\*.VAR JSMITH.VAR 52 Jan 23,1992 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. 4 Ok The Ok button saves the contents of the active Variable-list dialog box using the selected file name, directory, and drive. Q The Variable-list dialog box from which the file is saved assumes the new name. 4 Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. Save File As The Save File As input box is where you enter a new name for the Variable file to be saved, or a file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.VAR). Owned by... $ Save Variable dialog Files ALLFOODS.VAR GOODFOOD.VAR FASTFOOD.VAR BADFOOD.VAR MYFOOD.VAR MCDFOOD.VAR MOREFOOD.VAR WENDFOOD.VAR SOMEFOOD.VAR .. YOURFOOD.VAR \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.VAR \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.VAR \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. To save to a file double-click on the file name. You can also click the file name (or move the cursor to it), then choose Ok. I If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to save to the selected file. Owned by... $ Save Variable dialog Ok The Ok button saves the contents of the active Variable-list dialog box using the selected file name, directory, and drive. You can enter a new name for the variable file in the Save input box or just select one from the Files list-box. Once a file name has been selected press enter, or use the Ok button to perform the save. Press cancel if you've changed your mind. _ As a short-cut, to save a file you can double-click on the file's name in the Files list-box. Q The Variable-list dialog box from which the file is saved assumes the new name. Owned by... $ Save Variable dialog Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) Owned by... $ Save Variable dialog Save Chart File As dialog box The Save Chart File As dialog box allows you to save the contents of a Chart-list dialog box in a file under a different name, in a different directory, or on a different disk drive. The Chart-list dialog box from which the file is saved assumes the new name. The Save Chart File As dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Ok), plus a history list that's attached to the name input box. x Save The Save File As input box is where you enter a new name for the Chart file to be saved, or a file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.CHA). Files ALLFOODS.CHA GOODFOOD.CHA FASTFOOD.CHA BADFOOD.CHA MYFOOD.CHA MCDFOOD.CHA MOREFOOD.CHA WENDFOOD.CHA SOMEFOOD.CHA .. YOURFOOD.CHA \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.CHA \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.CHA \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\PN\CLIENTS\*.CHA JSMITH.CHA 52 Jan 23,1992 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. 4 Ok The Ok button saves the contents of the active Chart-list dialog box using the selected file name, directory, and drive. N The Chart-list dialog box from which the file is saved assumes the new name. 4 Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. Save File As The Save File As input box is where you enter a new name for the Chart file to be saved, or a file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.CHA). Owned by... ! Save Chart dialog Files ALLFOODS.CHA GOODFOOD.CHA FASTFOOD.CHA BADFOOD.CHA MYFOOD.CHA MCDFOOD.CHA MOREFOOD.CHA WENDFOOD.CHA SOMEFOOD.CHA .. YOURFOOD.CHA \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.CHA \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.CHA \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. To save to a file double-click on the file name. You can also click the file name (or move the cursor to it), then choose Ok. I If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to save to the selected file. Owned by... ! Save Chart dialog Ok The Ok button saves the contents of the active Chart-list dialog box using the selected file name, directory, and drive. You can enter a new name for the chart file in the Save input box or just select one from the Files list-box. Once a file name has been selected press enter, or use the Ok button to perform the save. Press cancel if you've changed your mind. _ As a short-cut, to save a file you can double-click on the file's name in the Files list-box. N The Chart-list dialog box from which the file is saved assumes the new name. Owned by... ! Save Chart dialog Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) Owned by... ! Save Chart dialog Save Text File As dialog box The Save Text File As dialog box allows you to save the contents of a Text window in a file under a different name, in a different directory, or on a different disk drive. The edit window from which the file is saved assumes the new name. The Save Text File As dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Ok), plus a history list that's attached to the name input box. x Save The Save File As input box is where you enter a new name for the Text file to be saved, or a file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.TXT). Files ALLFOODS.TXT GOODFOOD.TXT FASTFOOD.TXT BADFOOD.TXT MYFOOD.TXT MCDFOOD.TXT MOREFOOD.TXT WENDFOOD.TXT SOMEFOOD.TXT .. YOURFOOD.TXT \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.TXT \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.TXT \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\PN\CLIENTS\*.TXT JSMITH.TXT 52 Jan 23,1992 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. 3 Ok The Ok button saves the contents of the active Text window using the selected file name, directory, and drive. D The edit window from which the file is saved assumes the new name. 4 Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. Save File As The Save File As input box is where you enter a new name for the Text file to be saved, or a file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.TXT). Owned by... Save dialog Files ALLFOODS.TXT GOODFOOD.TXT FASTFOOD.TXT BADFOOD.TXT MYFOOD.TXT MCDFOOD.TXT MOREFOOD.TXT WENDFOOD.TXT SOMEFOOD.TXT .. YOURFOOD.TXT \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.TXT \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.TXT \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. To save to a file double-click on the file name. You can also click the file name (or move the cursor to it), then choose Ok. I If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to save to the selected file. Owned by... Save dialog Ok The Ok button saves the contents of the active Text window using the selected file name, directory, and drive. You can enter a new name for the text file in the Save input box or just select one from the Files list-box. Once a file name has been selected press enter, or use the Ok button to perform the save. Press cancel if you've changed your mind. _ As a short-cut, to save a file you can double-click on the file's name in the Files list-box. D The Text window from which the file is saved assumes the new name. Owned by... Save dialog Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) Owned by... Save dialog Save Desktop dialog box The Save Desktop dialog box allows you to save a desktop configuration so that it can be recalled at a later time with the Retrieve Desktop command. The desktop configuration includes the video mode, the contents of all history lists, and all desktop objects such as file windows, icons, dialog boxes, and calculators. The Save Desktop dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Ok), plus a history list that's attached to the name input box. x Save The Save File As input box is where you enter a new name for the Desktop file to be saved, or a file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.DPN). Files ALLFOODS.DPN GOODFOOD.DPN FASTFOOD.DPN BADFOOD.DPN MYFOOD.DPN MCDFOOD.DPN MOREFOOD.DPN WENDFOOD.DPN SOMEFOOD.DPN .. YOURFOOD.DPN \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.DPN \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.DPN \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\PN\CLIENTS\*.DPN JSMITH.DPN 52 Jan 23,1992 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. 4 Ok The Ok button saves the desktop configuration using the selected file name, directory, and drive. 4 Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. Save File As The Save File As input box is where you enter a new name for the Desktop file to be saved, or a file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.DPN). Owned by... Save Desktop dialog Files ALLFOODS.DPN GOODFOOD.DPN FASTFOOD.DPN BADFOOD.DPN MYFOOD.DPN MCDFOOD.DPN MOREFOOD.DPN WENDFOOD.DPN SOMEFOOD.DPN .. YOURFOOD.DPN \CLIENTS OLDFOOD.DPN \MEMBERS NEWFOOD.DPN \FAMILY The Files list-box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. To save the desktop in a file double-click on the file name. You can also click the file name (or move the cursor to it), then choose Ok. U If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to save the desktop in the selected file. Owned by... Save Desktop dialog Ok The Ok button saves desktop configuration using the selected file name, directory, and drive. You can enter a new name for the desktop file in the Name input box or just select one from the Files list-box. Once a file name has been selected press enter, or use the Ok button to save the desktop. Press cancel if you've changed your mind. d As a short-cut, to perform the save you can double-click on the file's name in the Files list-box. Owned by... Save Desktop dialog Cancel If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) Owned by... Save Desktop dialog Food-list dialog box The Food-list dialog box provides access to a food file. A food file stores nutritional information for a list of foods. How To... + Edit nutritional information Add Delete Quickly locate Post diary Save changes Save changes Save under Dialog Box Controls... Names list-box Set Filter button Filter button Filter button Edit button New button Delete button Post button' Related Topics... Abbreviations Names Food dialog Filter Criteria dialog Diary dialog Diary dialog Diary dialog box The Diary dialog box provides access to a diary file. A Diary file stores a sequence of diary pages. How To... A Use calendar diary Edit diary Create diary Delete diary Print, file, information range diary pages View nutritional averages range diary pages Save changes diary Save diary under Dialog Box Controls... Pages list-box Edit button New button Delete button Print button Post button Profile button Goals button Averaging button Related Topics... = Diary dialog Calendar Hard dialog Variable-list dialog box The Variable-list dialog box provides access to a variable file. A variable file stores a list of variables. How To... Edit variable Create variable Delete variable Save changes Variable-list Save Variable-list under Add variable chart Post variable diary Dialog Box Controls... S Variables list-box Edit button New button Delete button Post button Related Topics... Variable dialog Chart-list dialog box The Chart-list dialog box provides access to a chart file. A chart file stores a list of charts. How To... Edit chart Create chart Delete chart Save changes Chart-list Save Chart-list under Add variable chart Post value variable diary Print sequence charts Dialog Box Controls... n Names list-box Edit button New button Delete button Post button Print button View button Related Topics... Chart dialog Food file A food file stores nutritional information for a list of foods. You can edit and view a food file through a Food-list dialog box. To open a Food-list dialog box use the File|Open Food menu command or press F7. 5 All food files must be named with a .FOD extension. L A food file can comfortably store over 10,000 foods (on a fully equip PC). Diary file A Diary file stores a sequence of diary pages. You can edit and view a diary file through a Diary dialog box. To open a Diary dialog box use the File|Open Diary menu command or press F8. 6 All diary files must be named with a .DIA extension. P A diary file can comfortably store over 365 diary pages (on a fully equip PC). Also See... Abbreviations Names Variable file A variable file stores a list of variables. You can edit and view a variable file through a Variable-list dialog box. To open a Variable-list dialog box use the File|Open Variable menu command or press Shift-F7. 9 All variable files must be named with a .VAR extension. T A variable file can comfortably store over 10,000 variables (on a fully equip PC). For more information see... Variable-list dialog Chart file A chart file stores a list of charts. You can edit and view a chart file through a Chart-list dialog box. To open a Chart-list dialog box use the File|Open Chart menu command or press Shift-F8. 6 All chart files must be named with a .CHA extension. N A chart file can comfortably store over 10,000 charts (on a fully equip PC). Text file A text file stores a block of ASCII text. You can edit and view a text file through a text window. To open a text edit window use the File|Open Text menu command or press F3. F Text files can be named with any extension, but .TXT is the default. < A text file can store a maximum of 64K (65535) characters. Text edit window Text edit windows let you add your own notes and comments to output from the Hard dialog box. You can also use text edit windows to edit text files created by other applications. You can open as many text edit windows as you like (memory permitting) and can transfer information between windows through a clipboard. Text edit windows feature mouse support, undo, search and replace, clipboard cut, copy and paste, and Wordstar key assignments. & HORIZIONTAL CURSOR MOVEMENT COMMANDS J Character left Left arrow Ctrl-S Character right Right arrow Ctrl-D Word left Ctrl-Left arrow Ctrl-A Word right Ctrl-Right arrow Ctrl-F Start of line Home Ctrl-Q S End of line End Ctrl-Q D VERTICAL CURSOR MOVEMENT COMMANDS ~ Line up Up arrow Ctrl-E Line down Down arrow Ctrl-X Page up PgUp Ctrl-R Page down PgDn Ctrl-C Top of file Ctrl-PgUp Ctrl-Q R End of file Ctrl-PgDn Ctrl-Q C Scroll up Ctrl-W Scroll down Ctrl-Z EDIT COMMANDS Insert mode on/off Ins Ctrl-V Insert line Enter Ctrl-M Delete line Ctrl-Y Delete to start of line Ctrl-Q H Delete to end of line Ctrl-Q Y Delete character left Backspace Ctrl-H Delete character Del Ctrl-G Delete word right Ctrl-T Undo Ctrl-U CLIPBOARD COMMANDS Mark text Drag over text with mouse Ctrl-K B or hold shift key, then use cursor movement commands Copy marked text to clipboard Ctrl-Ins Ctrl-K K Text|Copy Cut marked text to clipboard Shift-Del Ctrl-K Y Text|Cut Paste clipboard into window Shift-Ins Ctrl-K C Text|Paste Remove mark from text Ctrl-K H SEARCH COMMANDS Find Ctrl-Q F Text|Find... Find & replace Ctrl-Q A Text|Replace... Repeat last search Ctrl-L Text|Search again OTHER COMMANDS Menu bar Save text file New text file Close active window Alt-F3 Abort operation Foods list-box The Foods list-box displays a scrollable list of foods from the associated food file. If the Filter Off radio-button is set, then the list-box shows all of the foods in the food file. If the Filter On radio-button is set, then the list-box only shows foods which match a filter criteria. You can define the filter criteria by using the Set Filter button. To locate a food in the list, type the first few letters of the food's name: the list will scroll to display items that match what you've typed. To quickly edit or post a food, double click on the food's name in the list-box. If the Post button is enabled, this posts the food; otherwise it edits the food. c When the list-box is selected, you can just press the spacebar to edit or post the selected food. Owned by... Food-list dialog Also See... Abbreviations Names Diary pages list-box The Diary Pages list-box displays a scrollable list of foods from the associated diary file. To locate a diary page in the list, type the first few letters of the page's name: the list will scroll to display items that match what you've typed. To quickly edit or post a diary page, double click on the food's name in the list-box. If the Post button is enabled, this posts the diary page; otherwise it edits the page. When the list-box is selected, you can just press the spacebar to edit or post the selected diary page. Owned by... Diary dialog Variables list-box The Variables list-box displays a scrollable list of variables from the associated variable file. To locate a variable in the list, type the first few letters of the variable's name: the list will scroll to display items that match what you've typed. To quickly edit or post a variable, double click on the variable's name in the list-box. If the Post button is enabled, this posts the variable; otherwise it edits the variable. When the list-box is selected, you can just press the spacebar to edit or post the selected variable. Owned by... Variable-list dialog Charts list-box The Charts list-box displays a scrollable list of charts from the associated chart file. To locate a chart in the list, type the first few letters of the chart's name: the list will scroll to display items that match what you've typed. To quickly edit or post a chart, double click on the chart's name in the list-box. If the Post button is enabled, this posts the chart; otherwise it edits the chart. When the list-box is selected, you can just press the spacebar to edit or post the selected chart. Owned by... Chart-list dialog Edit Choose this button to pop-up a Food dialog box for the food selected in the Foods list-box. If a dialog box for the selected food is already open, then that dialog box is brought to the top of the desktop and activated. As a shortcut, you can double-click on a food in the Foods list-box instead of using this button. (NOTE: if the Post button is enabled, double-clicking on a food posts the food instead of editing it). Owned by... # Food-list dialog Edit Choose this button to pop-up a Diary dialog box for the page selected in the Diary list-box. If a dialog box for the selected page is already open, then that dialog box is brought to the top of the desktop and activated. As a shortcut, you can double-click on a page in the Diary Page list-box instead of using this button. (NOTE: if the Post button is enabled, double-clicking on a page posts the page instead of editing it). Owned by... Diary dialog Edit Choose this button to pop-up a Variable dialog box for the variable selected in the Variables list-box. If a dialog box for the selected variable is already open, then that dialog box is brought to the top of the desktop and activated. As a shortcut, you can double-click on a variable in the Variables list-box instead of using this button. (NOTE: if the Post button is enabled, double-clicking on a variable posts the variable instead of editing it). Owned by... Variable-list dialog Edit Choose this button to pop-up a Chart dialog box for the chart selected in the Chart list-box. If a dialog box for the selected chart is already open, then that dialog box is brought to the top of the desktop and activated. As a shortcut, you can double-click on a chart in the Charts list-box instead of using this button. (NOTE: if the Post button is enabled, double-clicking on a chart posts the chart instead of editing it). Owned by... Chart-list dialog New Choose this button to create a new food item. This pops-up a Food dialog box where you can enter a name and nutritional information for the food. Owned by... Food-list dialog New Choose this button to create a new diary page. This pops-up a Diary dialog box where you can post foods and see a nutritional analysis. Owned by... Diary dialog New Choose this button to create a new variable. This pops-up a Variable dialog box where you enter a name and limits for the variable. Owned by... Variable-list dialog New Choose this button to create a new chart. This pops-up a Chart dialog box where you enter a name and other information about the chart. Owned by... Chart-list dialog Delete Choose this button to delete the selected food item from the Food-list. Owned by... Food-list dialog Delete Choose this button to delete the selected diary page from the diary. Owned by... Diary dialog Delete Choose this button to delete the selected variable from the variable-list. Owned by... Variable-list dialog Delete Choose this button to delete the selected chart from the chart-list. Owned by... Chart-list dialog Print Choose this button to pop-up a Hard dialog box. Owned by... - Chart-list dialog Diary dialog View Choose this button to switch the computer into the graphics mode and display a chart using data from the top most diary. Post To enable this button you must issue an Add Food or Add Meal command from a diary page. Then choose this button to post the food selected in the Foods list-box onto the diary page. As a shortcut you can double click on a food in the Foods list-box to post a food. (NOTE: If the Post button is disabled, double-clicking on a food edits the food instead of posting it). | Remember you can switch between windows anytime and can post from any of the food-lists or dairies present on the desktop. If you change your mind and decide not to post anything, just press Esc; the Post button will be disabled and you'll be returned to the target diary page without posting anything. Owned by... Food-list dialog Post To enable this button you must issue an Add Meal or Add Food command from a diary page. Then choose this button to post the contents of the page selected in the Diary pages list-box onto the target diary page. As a shortcut you can double click on a page in the Diary pages list-box to post a diary page. (NOTE: If the Post button is disabled, double-clicking on a diary page edits the diary page instead of posting it). | Remember you can switch between windows anytime and can post from any of the food-lists or dairies present on the desktop. You can also enable this button from the Hard dialog box using the To, From, or From To buttons. Then you can use the Post button to choose the first and/or last diary page in a range of pages to be viewed, filed, or printed. If you change your mind and decide not to post anything, just press Esc; the Post button will be disabled and you'll be returned to the original diary page without posting anything. Owned by... Diary dialog Post To enable this button you must issue a Variable command from a diary page, or issue a Add Var command from a chart dialog box. Then choose this button to post the variable selected in the Variables list-box onto the target diary page or chart. If you're posting onto a diary page you'll be prompted to enter a value for the variable. As a shortcut you can double click on a variable in the Variables list-box to post a variable. (NOTE: If the Post button is disabled, double-clicking on a variable edits the variable instead of posting it). If you change your mind and decide not to post anything, then just press Esc; the Post button will be disabled and you'll be returned to the original diary page or chart without posting anything. Owned by... Variable-list dialog Post To enable this button you must use the To, From, or From TO button in the Hard dialog box. Then choose this button to send the chart selected in the Charts list-box to the Hard Copy dialog box. You can use this button to choose the first and/or last chart in a range of charts to be viewed, filed, or printed. As a shortcut you can double click on an item in the Charts list-box to post a chart. (NOTE: If the Post button is disabled, double-clicking on a variable edits the chart instead of posting it). | Remember you can switch between windows anytime and can post from any of the food-lists or dairies present on the desktop. If you change your mind and decide not to post anything, just press Esc; the Post button will be disabled and you'll be returned to the original window without posting anything. Owned by... Chart-list dialog Profile Choose this button to pop-up a Profile dialog box for the diary. Owned by... Diary dialog Goals Choose this button to pop-up a Goal dialog box for the diary. Owned by... Diary dialog Averaging Choose this button to pop-up a Diet Averaging dialog box for the diary. Owned by... Diary dialog Set Filter Choose this button to pop-up a Filter dialog box for the food-list. Owned by... Food-list dialog Filter Control radio-buttons These radio-buttons determine if theFoods list-box should be filtered or not. Set the Filter On radio-button to show only foods that match the filter criteria. Set the Filter Off radio-button to show all foods in the food file. D You can define the filter criteria by using the Set Filter button. Owned by... Food-list dialog Filter Criteria dialog box The Filter Criteria dialog box allows you to specify a way to reduce the number of foods that appear in a food-list. This is known as filtering because you are 'filtering out' unwanted foods from the food-list. You can filter the food-list based upon food name, or based upon food name together with nutritional content. You can switch back to the full food-list at anytime. How To... U Quickly locate List foods satisfy nutritional criteria Dialog Box Controls... Names input Nutrient Filter button Nutrient Filter button Nutrient Filter list-box Edit button Ok button Owned by... Food-list dialog Names This input box is where you enter the filter criteria for food names. For a food to appear in the filtered food-list, the food's name must contain the sequence of characters that you enter here. You can use the question mark symbol (?) as a wild card for any character. If you want to enter a filter string that you've used before, then click on the down arrow icon that appears next to the input box, or press the down arrow key. This will activate a history list for the input box. Owned by... Filter Criteria dialog Nutrient Filter radio-buttons These radio-buttons to determine if the Professional Nutritionist will consider nutrient values when filtering the food-list. ? Set the On button to consider nutrient values when filtering. ? Set the Off button to exclude nutrient values when filtering. Owned by... Filter Criteria dialog Nutrient Filter list-box The Nutrient Filter list-box displays a list of high and low limits for each nutrient, and quantity. The first entry in the list is Quantity; it specifies the amount of food corresponding to the nutrient filter limits. You can edit an item by double clicking on an it in the list-box, or by selecting the item and using the Edit button. If the list-box is selected, you can just press the spacebar to edit the selected item. Owned by... Filter Criteria dialog Edit Choose this button to pop-up a dialog box that lets you edit the filter criteria for the item selected in the Nutrient Filter list-box. As a shortcut you can double click on an item in the list-box. * If you edit quantity (the first item in the list-box) then the Quantity dialog box is displayed. Quantity specifies the amount of each food to be considered by the Professional Nutritionist when filtering the food-list. The default quantity is 1 serving. You can work in grams, ounces, cups, etc. The rest of the items in the Nutrient Filter list-box are nutrients. If you edit a nutrient, then a dialog box is displayed where you can specify the upper and lower limits allowed on the nutrient. You can work in absolute units or in RDA percentages. IMPORTANT: the Nutrient Filter radio-buttons must be turned on for nutrients to be considered when filtering the food-list. Therefore, the Nutrient Filter radio-buttons are automatically turned on when you enter a new value for a nutrient range. Owned by... Filter Criteria dialog Ok Choose this button to accept the settings of the Filter Criteria dialog box. This will close the dialog box, return to the Food-list dialog box, perform the filtering operation, and turn the filter on. Owned by... Filter Criteria dialog Diary Page The Diary Page is your nutritional worksheet. It contains an area where you can post foods, and another area that indicates the nutritional totals for all foods on the page. You can use diary pages for several purposes: to track a person's daily nutrient consumption, to store commonly used meals and recipes, and as general purpose nutritional worksheets. You can also post values you define yourself (variables) on diary pages. You can use variables to track any quantities you want, such as weight, waist size, blood pressure, etc. Later you can view charts showing changes in these variable values along with the standard nutrient values. How To... " Edit diary Create diary Post diary Post diary Post variable diary Post comment diary View recommended daily allowances Print diary graphs tables Dialog Box Controls... Name Entries Quantity dialog Serving dialog Totals Add Add Comment Variable Goals Print Bargraph Pie Chart Save Cancel Insert Revise Related Topics... a Food-list dialog Diary dialog Variable-list dialog Chart-list dialog Owned by... Diary dialog Name This input box is where you enter a name for the diary page. The name can be any unique string up to 32 characters long. Case is not significant. 3 You should always use the calendar to create and name diary pages that are for days; this automatically names the diary pages properly. Any diary page that corresponds to a day must be named in the format mm/dd/yy, where mm is the month (01 to 12), dd is the day (01 to 31), and yy is the year (00 to 99). Owned by... Diary Entries list-box The Entries list-box is where you view and make entries into the diary page. n As a shortcut to add a food, double click at the end of the entries list (one position past the last entry). y You can change the quantity for a food entry by selecting it and pressing spacebar, or by double clicking on the entry. Related Topics... w Add button Add button Comment button Variable button Quantity dialog Serving dialog Owned by... Diary Totals list-box The Totals list-box allows you to view the nutrient totals for all foods on the diary page. For a closer look double-click on the Totals list-box or use the Goals button. This pops-up the Goals dialog box to show all of the totals and recommendations in a window. Owned by... Diary Add Food Choose this button to post a food onto a diary page. How To... " Post diary Owned by... Diary Add Meal Choose this button to post an entire diary page onto another diary page. How To... " Post diary Owned by... Diary Add Comment Choose this button to enter a one line comment into a diary page. How To... % Post comment diary Owned by... Diary Variable Choose this button to enter a value for variable onto a diary page. How To... & Post variable diary Owned by... Diary Goals Choose this button to pop-up a Goals dialog box for the diary page. Owned by... Diary Print Choose this button to pop-up a Hard dialog box for the diary. Owned by... Diary BarGraph Choose this button to display a nutrient profile bargraph. This bargraph shows nutrient totals as percentages of RDA. Owned by... Diary Pie Chart Choose this button to display a calorie profile pie chart. This pie chart shows the proportion of calories to come from Proteins, Carbohydrates, Saturated Fats, Poly-unsaturated Fats, Mono-unsaturated Fats, and other sources. Owned by... & Diary Food-list dialog Save Choose this button to close the dialog box and save any changes. Owned by... } Diary Food-list dialog Normal dialog Clinical dialog REE Method:Body Weight dialog Cancel Choose this button to close the dialog box and discard any changes. Owned by... J Diary Clinical dialog REE Method:Body Weight dialog Cancel Choose this button to close the dialog box and discard any changes. Owned by... Normal dialog Insert/revise radio-buttons These radio-buttons control the insertion mode for adding new items to a diary page. Insert - new items are inserted at the cursor position without overwriting any entries Revise - new items are entered at the cursor position by overwriting the existing entries Owned by... Diary Food Item dialog box The Food Item dialog box is where you view and edit nutritional information for foods. You can also edit a food's name and the default serving size information here. How To... k Change food's Specify serving Specify nutritional values Dialog Box Controls... D Bargraph Cancel Data list-box Name Pie Chart Save Related Topics... K Abbreviations Names Food-list dialog Diary dialog Owned by... Food-list dialog Name This input box is where you enter a name for the food item. The name can be any unique string up to 32 characters long. Case is not significant. Owned by... Food dialog Data list-box The Data list-box is where you view and edit all of the food's nutritional and other data. l You can edit an item in the list by selecting it and pressing spacebar, or by double clicking on the item. Q The first entry in the list is Quantity; it specifies the amount of food corresponding to the nutrient values listed for the food. This is also the default quantity of food that is added to a diary when the food is posted. (NOTE: this quantity is not necessarily one serving). Choosing to edit quantity pops-up the Quantity dialog box. u You can specify serving size through the Serving dialog box which is accessed through the Quantity dialog box. The rest of the items in the list-box are nutrients. If you choose to edit a nutrient, the Amount Nutrient dialog box pops-up. Owned by... Food dialog Variable dialog box The Variable dialog box is where you enter a name for a variable, and specify default high and low limits for the variable. The high and low limits are only used when the variable is charted. How To... & Post variable diary Dialog Box Controls... B Cancel Name Save Low input High input Related Topics... L Chart-list dialog Diary dialog Variable-list dialog Owned by... 0 Variable-list dialog Chart dialog Name This input box is where you enter a name for the variable. The name can be any unique string up to 32 characters long. Case is not significant. Owned by... Variable dialog Low Limit This input box is where you enter the lower limit to be used when the variable is charted. Owned by... Variable dialog High Limit This input box is where you enter the upper limit to be used when the variable is charted. Owned by... Variable dialog Chart dialog box The Chart dialog box is where you enter a name for a chart, and specify the variables that are to be charted. You also specify the number of horizontal zones to appear in the chart, the start date, and the number of days between ticks on the horizontal axis. How To... Add variable chart Delete variable chart Specify start chart Print sequence charts Dialog Box Controls... Name Horiz-zones Date Start Entries Insert Revise Add View Print Save Cancel Related Topics... I Chart-list dialog Diary dialog Variable-list dialog Owned by... Chart-list dialog Name This input box is where you enter a name for the chart. The name can be any unique string up to 32 characters long. Case is not significant. Owned by... Chart dialog Horiz-zones This input box is where you enter the number of horizontal zones to appear in the chart. This number must be an integer ranging from 1 to 20. Owned by... Chart dialog Date Step This input box is where you enter the number of days between ticks on the horizontal axis. This number must be an integer ranging for 1 to 10. Owned by... Chart dialog Start Date Choose this button to specify a start date for the chart. You can post a date from a Diary dialog box or can choose a date from the Calendar. How To... & Specify start chart Owned by... Chart dialog Entries list-box The Entries list-box is where you view and edit the variables to be plotted. When you view a chart, the variables that you have entered here are plotted, using data from the desktop's top-most diary. You can use any chart to plot data from any diary. You can add a variable to the chart with the Add Var button. Or as a shortcut, double click at the end of the variable list (one position past the last variable). Z You can edit a variable by selecting it and pressing spacebar, or by double clicking it. Owned by... Chart dialog Insert/revise radio-buttons These radio-buttons control the insertion mode for adding new variables to a chart. Insert - new variables are inserted at the cursor position without overwriting any entries Revise - new variables are entered at the cursor position by overwriting the existing entries Owned by... Chart dialog Add Var Choose this button to add a variable to the chart. How To... Add variable chart Owned by... Chart dialog View Choose this button to view a chart. The chart uses data from the top most diary present on the desktop. Owned by... Chart dialog Print Choose this button to pop-up a Hard dialog box for the chart-list. Owned by... Chart dialog Quantity dialog box The are two versions of the Quantityh dialog box: When activated from a Diary Page, the Quantity dialog box is where you specify how much of a food to include on the diary page. When activated from a Food-Item dialog box, this is where you specify how much of a food to post the food onto a diary page. This quantity must correspond to the nutrient values specified for the food. If nutrient scaling is turned on you can change the quantity and have the nutrient values automatically adjusted. If nutrient scaling is turned off and you change the quantity, the nutrient values are unchanged. The food's quantity serves two purposes: 1. Quantity tells the amount of food corresponding to the food's nutrient values. Therefore, you can change the quantity entry and see all of the nutrient values adjusted accordingly. Suppose you want to know how much vitamin C there is in 1 gallon of orange juice. Just look up orange juice and change the quantity entry to 1 gallon (see Nutrient Scaling below). Now all of the food item's nutrients are listed for 1 gallon of orange juice. You can also use this to your advantage when entering nutrient values. Just set quantity equal to whatever amount of food your nutrient values correspond. When you enter a nutrient value for a food, make sure it is for the amount of food indicated by the quantity entry. 2. Quantity serves as the default amount of food that is added to a diary page when the food is posted. Quantity should be set to the amount of food that you usually use when you use the food item. If when you have Coffee, Black, you usually have 14 ounces instead of the usual 1 cup, then you should set the quantity for Coffee, Black to 14 ounces. This way whenever you post Coffee, Black onto a diary page, the quantity will already be set to 14 ounces. Dialog Box Controls Quantity input Units radio-buttons Nutrient Scaling radio-buttons Serving button Ok button Cancel button Related Topics... Serving dialog Owned by... O Diary dialog Filter Criteria dialog Food dialog Quantity This input box is where you enter the quantity to be used for a food or meal. The units for the quantity are entered by the Units radio-buttons. Owned by... Quantity dialog Units radio-buttons These radio-buttons determine the units of measure for the value entered in the Quantity input box. Owned by... Quantity dialog Nutrient Scaling radio-buttons These radio-buttons determine if the Professional Nutritionist will automatically adjust a food's nutrient values when you change a food's default quantity in the Quantity dialog box. ^ Set the On button to automatically adjust a food's nutrient values when quantity is changed. Z Set the Off button to leave a food's nutrient values unchanged when quantity is changed. Owned by... Quantity dialog Serving Size Choose this button to enter the amount of food per serving in the Serving dialog box. Owned by... Quantity dialog Serving Size dialog box The Serving Size dialog box is where you specify the weight and volume for one serving of a food. The Professional Nutritionist uses this information to do unit conversions between servings, weight, and volume for the food. Dialog Box Controls... Weight input Weight Units radio-buttons Volume input Volume Units radio-buttons Ok button Cancel button Related Topics... Quantity dialog Owned by... Quantity dialog Weight This input box is where you enter the weight for one serving of food. You can specify units for the weight you enter using the Units radio-buttons. Owned by... Serving dialog Units radio-buttons These radio-buttons determine the units of measure for the value entered in the Weight input box. Owned by... Serving dialog Volume This input box is where you enter the volume for one serving of food. You can specify units for the volume you enter using the Units radio-buttons Owned by... Serving dialog Units radio-buttons These radio-buttons determine the units of measure for the value entered in the Volume input box. Owned by... Serving dialog Amount of Nutrient dialog box The Amount of Nutrient dialog box is where you specify the amount of nutrient in the food. This value is for the quantity of food that was specified in the Quantity dialog box. You can select units for your entry through the Units radio-buttons. The Professional Nutritionist will automaticlly convert this value and display using the nutrient's standard display units. How To... * Specify nutritional values Dialog Box Controls... / Amount input button Cancel button Owned by... Food dialog Amount This input box is where you enter the amount of nutrient in the food. This value is for the quantity of food that was specified in the Quantity dialog box. Owned by... ! Amount Nutrient dialog Real Number dialog box Dialog Box Controls... Value input Value This input box is where you enter a real number. Owned by... Real Number dialog Find dialog box The Find dialog box is where you specify the text to be found when searching in a Text window. You can specify if the search should discriminate between uppercase and lowercase. You can also specify if the search should recognize the search string inside of words, or should look for whole words only. l A word is defined as a solid sequence of letter and numbers with space or punctuation marks on both sides. Dialog Box Controls... / Text Options Ok Cancel Text to find This input box is where you enter the text string to be found. The input box is automatically loaded with a word from the cursor position in the Text window. If you want to enter a different text string, just begin typing. If you want to enter a string that you've used before, then click on the down arrow icon that appears next to the input box, or press the down arrow key. This will activate a history list for the input box. Owned by... Find dialog Options check boxes These check boxes modify how the Professional Nutritionist performs a search. When Case sensitive is checked on [X], the Professional Nutritionist discriminates between uppercase and lowercase when searching. When Whole Words Only is checked on [X], the Professional Nutritionist will only recognize whole words when searching. A word is defined as a sequence of letters and numbers with space or punctuation marks on both sides. Owned by... Find dialog Ok Choose this button to begin the search. Owned by... Find dialog Replace dialog box The Replace dialog box is where you specify text to be replaced and new text when doing a search and replace operation in a Text window. You can specify if the search should discriminate between uppercase and lowercase, and if the search should recognize the search string inside of words, or should look for whole words only. You can also specify if the search should prompt you before replacing each string, and if the search should go through the whole file or stop after the first find. Dialog Box Controls... ? Text replace New Options Ok Cancel Text to replace This input box is where you enter the text string to be replaced. The input box is automatically loaded with a word from the cursor position in the Text window. If you want to enter a different text string, just begin typing. If you want to enter a string that you've used before, then click on the down arrow icon that appears next to the input box, or press the down arrow key. This will activate a history list for the input box. Owned by... Replace dialog New text This input box is where you enter the replacement string. The input box is automatically loaded with a word from the cursor position in the Text window. If you want to enter a different text string, just begin typing. If you want to enter a string that you've used before, then click on the down arrow icon that appears next to the input box, or press the down arrow key. This will activate a history list for the input box. Owned by... Replace dialog Options check boxes These check boxes modify how the Professional Nutritionist performs a search and replace. When Case sensitive is checked on [X], the Professional Nutritionist discriminates between uppercase and lowercase when searching. When Whole Words Only is checked on [X], the Professional Nutritionist will only recognize whole words when searching. A word is defined as a sequence of letters and numbers with space or punctuation marks on both sides. s When Prompt on Replace is checked on [X], the Professional Nutritionist prompts you before replacing each string. When Replace All is checked on [X], the Professional Nutritionist replaces every instance; when not checked, it stops after the first instance. Owned by... Replace dialog Ok Choose this button to begin the search and replace. Owned by... Replace dialog Weight This input box is where you enter the subject's weight in pounds. The subject should make this measurement first thing in the morning with no clothes on. Owned by... L Female Composition dialog Male Composition dialog Done Choose this button when you're finished doing body fat calculations and wish to close the body fat dialog box. Owned by... L Female Composition dialog Male Composition dialog Calculate Choose this button to do a body fat estimate after you've entered the necessary data in the body fat dialog box. Its usually not necessary to use this button, since the program automatically updates its calculations as soon as valid data has been entered. Owned by... L Female Composition dialog Male Composition dialog Male Body Composition dialog box The Male Body Composition dialog box is where you do body fat estimates for males using skin fold measurements (Pollack's method). You are required to enter age, and skinfold measurements taken at the chest, abdomen, and thigh. You may also optionally enter the subject's weight, in which case the program will calculate the weight of fat on the subject, based upon the percent body fat estimate. CHEST: Grasp a diagonal fold of skin midway between the subject's nipple and the anterior axillary line (front border of the armpit). Use calipers to measure the thickness of this fold. ABDOMEN: Grasp a vertical fold of skin at a lateral distance of approximately 2 cm from the umbilicus (or about an inch to the right of the belly button). Use calipers to measure the thickness of this fold. THIGH: With the subject seated and leg flexed, grasp a vertical fold of skin on the front of the thigh midway between the knee and hip joint. Use calipers to measure the thickness of this fold. Dialog Box Controls... v Age Chest Abdomen Thigh Weight Done button Calculate button Related Topics... G Female Composition dialog Desirable Weight dialog Age This input box is where you enter the subject's age in years. Owned by... L Female Composition dialog Male Composition dialog Chest skin fold This input box is where you enter the subject's chest skin fold measurement in millimeters. Grasp a diagonal fold of skin midway between the subject's nipple and the anterior axillary line ( front border of the armpit). Use calipers to measure the thickness of this fold. Owned by... % Male Composition dialog Abdomen skin fold This input box is where you enter the subject's abdominal skin fold measurement in millimeters. Grasp a vertical fold of skin at a lateral distance of approximately 2 cm from the umbilicus (about an inch to the right of the belly button). Use calipers to measure the thickness of this fold. Owned by... % Male Composition dialog Thigh skin fold This input box is where you enter the subject's thigh skin fold measurement in millimeters. With the subject seated and leg flexed, grasp a vertical fold of skin on the front of the thigh midway between the knee and hip joint. Use calipers to measure the thickness of this fold. Owned by... L Female Composition dialog Male Composition dialog Female Body Composition dialog box The Female Body Composition dialog box is where you do body fat estimates for females using skin fold measurements (Pollack's method). You are required to enter age, and skinfold measurements taken at the tricep, suprailium, and thigh. You may also optionally enter the subject's weight, in which case the program will calculate the weight of fat on the subject, based upon the percent body fat estimate. TRICEP: With the subject's arm relaxed and hanging loosely to the side, grasp a vertical fold of skin at the back of the arm, midway between the elbow and shoulder joints. Use calipers to measure the thickness of this fold. SUPRAILIUM: Grasp a vertical fold of skin at the Suprailium (just above the crest of the ileum, the bony protuberance of the hip bone). Use calipers to measure the thickness of this fold. THIGH: With the subject seated and leg flexed, grasp a vertical fold of skin on the front of the thigh midway between the knee and hip joint. Use calipers to measure the thickness of this fold. Dialog Box Controls... { Age Triceps Suprailium Thigh Weight Done button Calculate button Related Topics... E Male Composition dialog Desirable Weight dialog Triceps skin fold This input box is where you enter the subject's triceps skin fold measurement in millimeters. With the subject's arm relaxed and hanging loosely to the side, grasp a vertical fold of skin at the back of the arm, midway between the elbow and shoulder joints. Use calipers to measure the thickness of this fold. Owned by... ' Female Composition dialog Suprailium skin fold This input box is where you enter the subject's Suprailium skin fold measurement in millimeters. Grasp a vertical fold of skin at the Suprailium (just above the crest of the ileum, the bony protuberance of the hip bone). Use calipers to measure the thickness of this fold. Owned by... ' Female Composition dialog Target Pulse dialog box The Target Pulse dialog box is where you calculate a subject's target aerobic heart rate. The formula used is (220 - Age) x Percentage / 100. Dialog Box Controls... - Age Done button Calculate button Age This input box is where you enter the subject's age in years. Owned by... Target Pulse dialog Done Choose this button to close dialog box when finished. Owned by... Target Pulse dialog Calculate Choose this button to update the calculation for target pulse shown in the Target Pulse dialog box. Its usually not necessary to use this button, since the program automatically updates its calculations as soon as valid data has been entered. Owned by... Target Pulse dialog Desirable Weight dialog box The Desirable Weight dialog box is where you calculate a subject's weight for any level of body fat (%), given the subject's present weight and body composition (% body fat). The calculation assumes that all weight changes are from body fat and that non-fat body mass remains constant. Dialog Box Controls... q Desirable Body (presently) Body Weight (presently) Done button Calculate button Related Topics... L Female Composition dialog Male Composition dialog Desirable Body Fat This input box is where you enter a body fat percentange that the subject is aiming for. The program will calculate the subject's weight for this body fat level, assuming that non-fat body mass remains constant. The following guidelines for desirable body fat could be used: q Normal Obese Males: 16-18% 25% Females: 22-25% 30% Owned by... Desirable Weight dialog Body Fat (presently) This input box is where you enter the subject's present level of body fat in percent. You can use the Female Composition dialog box or Male Composition dialog box to estimate this value. Owned by... Desirable Weight dialog Body Weight (presently) This input box is where you enter the subject's present body weight in pounds. Owned by... Desirable Weight dialog Done Choose this button to close dialog box when finished. Owned by... Desirable Weight dialog Calculate Choose this button to update the calculation for desirable weight shown in the Desirable Weight dialog box. Its usually not necessary to use this button, since the program automatically updates its calculations as soon as valid data has been entered. Owned by... Desirable Weight dialog Profile dialog box The Profile dialog box is where you enter information describing the owner of a diary. The Professional Nutritionist uses this information to calculate frame size, ideal weight, resting energy expenditure, maintenance calories, and dietary goals. To open a Profile dialog box, click on the Profile button in the Diary dialog box. Dialog Box Controls... [ Name Sex/Condition radio-buttons Weight Height Wrist Circumference Use Ideal Weight BirthDay Automatic radio-buttons REE Method radio-buttons Customize Method Activity Factor Formula radio-buttons Clinical button Normal button Save button Calculate button Cancel button Owned by... Diary dialog Also See... l Normal dialog Clinical dialog REE Method:Body Weight dialog Set Goals dialog Name This input box is where you enter the name of the diary's owner. Owned by... Profile dialog Birthday This input box is where you enter the subject's birthday in the following format: mm/dd/19yy. The program uses this to calculate the subject's age. The subject's age is displayed above the Sex/Condition radio buttons. ( The program uses this to calculate the subject's age. The subject's age is displayed above the Sex/Condition radio-buttons. If the age shown above the Sex/Condition radio-buttons is wrong, your computer's date setting is probably wrong. You can easily fix this by using the following procedure: 1. Choose the File|DOS Shell menu command 2. Type DATE from the DOS prompt 3. Type in the correct date, such as 02/01/93 4. Type EXIT to return to the Professional Nutritionist. The age should now be correct. Owned by... Profile dialog Weight This input box is where you enter the subject's body weight in pounds. In most cases you should enter the subject's actual body weight here. However, qualified individuals my wish to enter a substitue weight value, and thereby force the program to perform its body weight based calculations using a value other than the subject's actual body weight. L The program displays body weight in kilograms, under the weight input box. Owned by... Profile dialog Sex/condition radio-buttons These radio-buttons are where you the sex and conditon of the diary's owner: | Male - The subject is male Female - The subject is female Pregnant - The subject is pregnant in the first trimester Preg. Tri. 2&3 - The subject is pregnant in the 2nd or 3rd trimester Lactating 1st, 6 - The subject has been lactating for less than 6 months Lactating 2nd, 6 - The subject has been lactating for 6 months or more Owned by... Profile dialog Height This input box is where you enter the subject's height. You can use the foot symbol (') and the (") inch symbol after a number to specify feet and inches, respectively. For example, 5'10" represents 5 feet 10 inches. The program automatically enters the foot symbol (') after the first number you type. However, if you wish, you can enter a value just in inches and the program will convert it to feet and inches. For example, if you enter a height of 58", the computer will converted it to 4'10". Owned by... Profile dialog Automatic radio-buttons These radio-buttons enable or disable automatic optimization of the energy formula for normal children, or for adults with a light activity level. If the subject is not a normal child, or an adult with a light activity level, you should set Automatic Off, and fine tune the energy equation. Owned by... Profile dialog Wrist Circumference This input box is where you enter the wrist circumference in centimeters. The Professional Nutritionist uses wrist circumference, along with height, to calculate Frame Size. If wrist circumference is unknown, then a medium frame size is assumed for the Ideal Body Weight calculation. Owned by... Profile dialog REE An estimate for the subject's Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) appears here. Usually this value is calculated by the program. However, you can enter a fixed REE value here if you desire. To do this, first make sure Automatic is set to Off and Method is set to Fixed Value; then you can enter your own fixed value for REE. Owned by... Profile dialog Use Ideal Weight radio-buttons These radio-buttons determine if the Professional Nutritionist uses actual body weight (from the Weight input box) or ideal body weight (from the Ideal Weight calculation) to assess caloric needs and protein adequacy for this subject. If the subject is either overweight or underweight, you may wish to use the On (Ideal Body Weight) setting. Owned by... Profile dialog Method radio-buttons Method These radio-buttons select the method used for calculating Resting Energy Expenditure (REE). World Health Org - use the World Health Organization's method Harris-Benedict - use the Harris-Benedict method Body Weight - multiply body weight by a factor Fixed Value - use a fixed REE value Owned by... Profile dialog Customize Method Choose this button to customize the relationship between REE and body weight for the Body Weight REE method. This brings up the REE Method:Body Weight dialog box. This button is only enabled when Automatic is Off, and Method is Body Weight. Owned by... Profile dialog Activity Factor (AF) The value for activity factor appears here. Usually this value is calculated by the program, or set by you via the Normal dialg box or Clinical dialog box. However, you can enter a fixed AF value here if you desire. To do this, first make sure Automatic is set to Off and Formula is set to Fixed Value; then you can enter your own fixed value for activity factor. Owned by... Profile dialog Formula radio-buttons These radio buttons select the types of activity factors appropriate for the subject. Normal - the subject is in good health Clinical - the subject is injured or suffering from an illness Fixed Value - you wish to enter a fixed value for activity factor Choosing Normal or Clinical enables the corresponding Normal or Clinical button. Use the Normal or Clinical button to customize the activity factor (AF) for the subject. Choosing Fixed Value enables the AF input box, and allows you to enter a fixed value for activity factor. Owned by... Profile dialog Clinical Choose this button to customize activity factor (AF) for injured or ill individuals. This brings up the Clinical dialog box. This button is only enabled when Automatic is Off, and Formula is Clinical. Owned by... Profile dialog Normal button 3 Normal Choose this button to customize activity factor (AF) for normal adults. This brings up the Normal dialog box. This button is only enabled when Automatic is Off, and Formula is Normal. Owned by... Profile dialog Calculate Choose this button to update the calculations shown in the Profile dialog box. Its usually not necessary to use this button, since the program automatically updates its calculations as soon as valid data has been entered. Owned by... Profile dialog Normal AF dialog box The Normal AF dialog box is where you choose an activity level for normal healthy adults. (Use the Clinical dialog box for injured or ill individuals). The setting you choose determines a value for activity factor (AF). Activity factor adjusts the energy equation to account for the subject's level of activity. Dialog Box Controls... 5 Activity Level Save button Cancel button Owned by... Profile dialog Activity Level radio-buttons Determines a value for activity factor. Activity factor adjusts the energy equation to account for the subject's level of activity. A Choose an activity level according to the following guidelines: r Sedentary - The subject spends 10 hours resting, 14 hours in light activity Light - The subject engages in more light activity than Level 1 Moderate - The subject engages in some physical exercise Exceptional - The subject engages in more strenuous occupation or activity Heavy - The subject is in training or a heavy laborer Owned by... Normal dialog Clinical dialog box The Clinical Activity Factor (AF) dialog box is where you customize Activity Factor (AF) for injured or ill individuals. (Use the Normal dialog box for normal individuals). The controls in this dialog box allow you to account for stress due to an injury or illness, body temperature, and mobility. Dialog Box Controls... Condition radio-buttons Custom Temperature Units Mobility radio-buttons Save button Cancel button Owned by... Profile dialog Condition radio-buttons The setting use choose determines a value for condition factor (CF). Condition factor adjusts the energy equation to account for stress due to an injury or illness. Choose Custom CF if you want to enter you own value for CF. Owned by... Clinical dialog Temperature This is where you enter the subject's body temperature. The number you enter here determines a value for Fever Factor (FF). In the final energy calculation, Fever Factor adds an additional 7% to the subject's energy needs for each 1 degree (Fahrenheit) of fever. See Units. Owned by... Clinical dialog Custom This is where you enter a custom condition factor. Before you can enter a custom factor here you must select Custom CF with the Condition radio-buttons. Owned by... Clinical dialog Units Radio-buttons This is where you select units for body temperature. You can choose either degrees Fahrenheit or degrees Celsius. See Temperature. Owned by... Clinical dialog Mobility radio-buttons This is where you specify the mobility of the subject. The setting you choose determines a value for mobility factor (MF). A MF of 1.2 is used for in bed, and a MF of 1.3 for out of bed. Owned by... Clinical dialog REE Method: Body Weight dialog box The REE Method: Body Weight dialog box is where you customize the relationship between REE and body weight for the Body Weight REE method. The program multiplies body weight in Kilograms by the factor specified in this dialog box to determine REE with this method. The Presets radio-buttons let you select an appropriate multiplication factor depending upon the subject's age and condition. l To enter a custom multiplication factor of your own, select Custom Factor using the Presets radio-buttons. Dialog Box Controls... N Presets radio-buttons Custom Factor Save button Cancel button Owned by... Profile dialog Presets radio-buttons The Presets radio-buttons let you select an appropriate multiplication factor depending upon the subject's age and condition, or to enable entry of a custom factor. ! You have the following choices: T Infants up to 1/2 year 108 Kcal/kg Infants 1/2 to 1 year 98 Kcal/kg Children 1 to 3 years 102 Kcal/kg Children 4 to 6 years 90 Kcal/kg Children 7 to 10 years 70 Kcal/kg Normal Adults 35 Kcal/kg Underweight Adults 45 Kcal/kg Overweight Adults 25 Kcal/kg Very Active Adults 40 Kcal/kg Custom Factor user supplied Kcal/kg Owned by... % REE Method:Body Weight dialog Custom Factor This is where you enter a custom multiplication factor of your own. Before you can enter a factor here you must select Custom Factor with the Presets radio-buttons. Owned by... % REE Method:Body Weight dialog Diet Averaging dialog box The Diet Averaging dialog box is where you calculate the average daily nutrient consumption for any range of diary pages. Dialog Box Controls... j First button Last button As button Print button Averages Ok button Owned by... Diary dialog First Date Choose this button to specify the first date for the range of diary pages the Professional Nutritionist will use when calculating average daily diet. You can post a date from a Diary dialog box or can choose a date from the Calendar. Owned by... Diet Averaging dialog Last Date Choose this button to specify the last date for the range of diary pages the Professional Nutritionist will use when calculating average daily diet. You can post a date from a Diary dialog box or can choose a date from the Calendar. Owned by... Diet Averaging dialog As Text Choose this button to route the contents of the Diet Averaging dialog box to a Text window. This coverts the information from the Diet Averaging dialog box into 8 bit ASCII text. D You can edit, save, or print the contents of the Text edit window. Owned by... Diet Averaging dialog Print Choose this button to print the contents of the Diet Averaging dialog box as 8 bit ASCII text. > NOTE: To use this feature successfully, you must have first: p 1) Select the proper printer port by using the Configure button of the Hard dialog 2) Setup your printer to use the IBM PC extended character set or equivalent. On laser printers this is usually done through the control panel location on the printer itself. On HP laser printers choose PC-8 for the character set. Owned by... Diet Averaging dialog The Averages list-box The Averages list-box shows the average daily values for each nutrient. The average is calculated by summing each nutrient and dividing by the number of diary pages used in the average. Missing days are not included in the average. Owned by... 5 Diet Averaging dialog Set Goals dialog Ok Choose this button when you're finished doing averaging calculations and wish to close the Diet Averaging dialog box. Owned by... Diet Averaging dialog Set Goals dialog box The Set Goals dialog box is where you enter information describing your goals (or those of the diary's owner, referred to as the subject). The Professional Nutritionist calculates your recommended daily allowances using the information you've entered in this dialog box, US guidelines, and your body profile (entered in the Profile dialog box). See the supplied Nutritional Handbook for specifics. Dialog Box Controls... Protein/Carbo/Fat Carbo Protein Fat Caloric program Target gm/kg Calculate button Save button Cancel button Owned by... Diary dialog Caloric program radio-buttons These radio-buttons are where you specify your goals in terms of calorie intake: do you want to lose, gain, or maintain your weight? The Professional Nutritionist uses these buttons to determine if it should recommend a calorie surplus or deficit. 4 Maintain Weight - The subject wishes to maintain his or her present weight. Lose Weight - The subject wishes to lose body fat without losing muscle. Gain Weight - The subject wishes to lose body fat and gain muscle. Custom - The subject wishes to set his or her own calorie target. Owned by... Set Goals dialog Target This input box is where you enter the number of calories (Kcal) that want to consume per day. _ Do not try this or any other weight loss method without first consulting with your physician. Owned by... Set Goals dialog gm/kg You can adjust the Protein Adequacy calcuation by altering the value that appears here. The default value is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Owned by... Set Goals dialog Protein:Carbo:Fat radio-buttons These radio-buttons are where you enter your goals for protein, carbohydrate, and fat intake. The Professional Nutritionist uses these buttons to determine the ratio of protein, carbohydrate, and fat that is recommends. The ratio it recommends is indicated in the Protein, Carbo, and Fat input boxes. You can override the recommendations and enter any values you choose. US Dietary Goals - This selects the P:C:F ratio recommended by the Senate Select Committee on Nutrition. AMA Recommendations - This selects the P:C:F ratio recommended by the American Medical Association. Carbohydrate Loading - This selects a P:C:F ratio for endurance athletes who are carbohydrate loading. Custom - The allows the user the enter his or her own P:C:F ratio. Owned by... Set Goals dialog Carbo This input box is where you enter the amount of carbohydrate that you want to consume each day. This number can be entered in calories, or as a ratio with respect to protein and fat. The Professional Nutritionist uses this value to calculate your daily recommendation allowances (RDAs). Owned by... Set Goals dialog Protein This input box is where you enter the amount of protein that you want to consume each day. This number can be entered in calories, or as a ratio with respect to carbohydrate and fat. The Professional Nutritionist uses this value to calculate your daily protein goal. Owned by... Set Goals dialog Fat This input box is where you enter the amount of Fat that you want to consume each day. This number can be entered in calories, or as a ratio with respect to carbohydrate and protein. The Professional Nutritionist uses this value to calculate your dialy carbohydrate goal. Owned by... Set Goals dialog Calculate Choose this button to update the calculations shown in the Set Goals dialog box. Its usually not necessary to use this button, since the program automatically updates its calculations as soon as valid data has been entered. Owned by... Set Goals dialog Goals dialog box The Goals box is where you view the daily dietary goals that the Professional Nutritionist has calculated for you. The recommended values of each nutrient along with the actual values for the day are displayed. The Professional Nutritionist calculates your dialy dietary goals using the information you've entered in the Set Goals dialog box, US RDA guidelines, and your body profile (entered in the Profile dialog box. Dialog Box Controls... List Ok button Owned by... Diary dialog The RDA list-box The RDA list-box is where you view the recommended daily allowances that the Professional Nutritionist has calculated for you. The recommended values of each nutrient along with the actual values for the day are displayed. The Professional Nutritionist calculates your recommended daily allowances using the information you've entered in the Set Goals dialog box, US RDA guidelines, and your body profile (entered in the Profile dialog box. Owned by... Goals dialog Ok Choose this button to close the Goals dialog box. Owned by... Goals dialog Hard Copy dialog box The Hard Copy dialog box is where you view and print sequences of graphs, charts, and data tables. Dialog Box Controls... ( From To From Options check-boxes Detail button Smallest radio-buttons Size radio-buttons Orientaion radio-buttons Header input-box Delay input-box Destination radio-buttons Configure button Go button Done button Cancel button Owned by... - Chart-list dialog Diary dialog From Choose this button to pick the first item in a range of items to be viewed or printed. This button will pop-up the list dialog box for the items you are outputting so you can easily choose an item. You can choose an item from the list by double-clicking it, or by selecting the item and using the post button. If you change your mind and decide not to choose an item, press ESC and you will be returned to the Hard Copy dialog box without changing anything. Owned by... Hard dialog To Choose this button to pick the last item in a range of items to be viewed or printed. This button will pop-up the list dialog box for the items you are outputting so you can easily choose an item. You can choose an item from the list by double-clicking it, or by selecting the item and using the post button. If you change your mind and decide not to choose an item, press ESC and you will be returned to the Hard Copy dialog box without changing anything. Owned by... Hard dialog From & To ? From & To Choose this button to set both 'From' and 'To' and thereby pick a single item to be viewed or printed. This button will pop-up the list dialog box for the items you are outputting so you can easily choose an item. You can choose an item from the list by double-clicking it, or by selecting the item and using the post button. If you change your mind and decide not to choose an item, press ESC and you will be returned to the Hard Copy dialog box without changing anything. Owned by... Hard dialog Options check-boxes These check-boxes let you specify the graphs and reports to be produced by the Professional Nutritionist. 2 For diary pages, 4 types of output are provided: Diary Contents - lists each item along with selected nutritional information, and shows nutrient totals for all items all the page. Settings in the Detail dialog box determine the nutritional information to be shown. Nutritional Analysis - lists nutritional totals only; the text version of this output is the same as that for the Bargraph and includes RDA percentages. Bargraph (Nutrient Profile) - shows a bargraph comparing nutrient levels to recommended values. The text version of this output lists nutritional totals and RDA percentages. Pie Chart (Calorie Protile) - shows a pie chart illustrating the calorie breakdown for a diary page. The text version of this output lists the weight, calories, and percentage for each calorie component (Protein, Carbohydrate, Saturated Fat, Poly-Unsaturated Fat, Mono-Unsaturated Fat, and other). For charts only one output option is provided, 'Time Graph'. Time graph data can be viewed in the form of a table by directing time graph output to a text window. When outputting to a video display or printer, the program produces high resolution graphics. When sending to a text window, the program converts its output to an equivalent ASCII text form. Therefore, you can view the same information in either graphical form or in text form. Information in the ASCII text form can be saved in Text files and can be transferred to other applications, such as spreadsheets and text processing programs. See Destination. Also See... Detail button Owned by... Hard dialog Detail... Choose this button to pop-up up the Detail dialog box. There you can select the nutritional information to appear in output tables (Diary Contents). Also See... Options radio-buttons. Owned by... Hard dialog Smallest Font radio-buttons These radio-buttons determine the smallest font that the program will use when printing out tables. Owned by... Hard dialog Size radio-buttons These radio-buttons determine output size: half page or full page. Use these buttons together with the Orientation radio-buttons (portrait or landscape) to control page format for printer output. I Half Page, Portrait Full Page, Portrait Half Page, Landscape Full Page, Landscape NOTE: Diary pages which require more that half a page always come out in the full page mode. Video output is always in portrait mode. Owned by... Hard dialog Orientation radio-buttons These radio-buttons determine printer output orientation: portrait or landscape. Use these buttons together with the Size radio-buttons (half page or full page) to control page format. I Half Page, Portrait Full Page, Portrait Half Page, Landscape Full Page, Landscape NOTE: Diary pages which require more that half a page always come out in the full page mode. Video output is always in portrait mode. Owned by... Hard dialog Header input-box This input box is where you enter a line of header text to appear on the top of each printed page. The text also appears on the top of the viewer window when output is directed to the video display. The line of text may contain up to 80 characters. Owned by... Hard dialog Delay input-box This input box is where you enter the amount of delay between page changes on the video display. Each unit is approximately 1 second, although timing my vary on faster computers. When viewing an output sequence, during the delay period you can press any key to pause. Afterwards, you can press any key to continue the sequence, or can press ESC to abort. Owned by... Hard dialog Destination radio-buttons These radio-buttons control the destination of output from the program. You can direct output to either the video display, printer or a text window. When outputting to a video display or printer, the program produces high resolution graphics. When sending to a text window, the program converts its output to an equivalent ASCII text form. Therefore, you can view the same information in either graphical form or in text form. Information in the ASCII text form can be saved in Text files and can be transferred to other applications, such as spreadsheets and text processing programs. Owned by... Hard dialog Configure Choose this button to pop-up the configuration menu. Through it you can specify a file name for text windows, can select a printer model and mode, and can configure the printer port. / FileName Printer Port Owned by... Hard dialog Done Choose this button to close the dialog box and save any changes without printing or viewing. Owned by... Hard dialog Go Choose this button to begin viewing or printing. Owned by... Hard dialog Printer menu Use the printer menu to select the model, resolution, and number of colors for your printer. If your printer isn't listed in the menu, refer to your printer documentation to see if your printer can emulate any of the listed printers. Owned by... Hard dialog Port menu Use the Port menu to select the printer port: LPT1, LPT2, COM1, or COM2. If the serial communication ports COM1 or COM2 are choosen, then the Serial Setup dialog box is displayed. There you must specify the communication protocol required by your serial printer. Owned by... Hard dialog File name command Choose the file name command to specify a file name for text window output. The program will send subsequent text output to a text window of the name specified. \ This command pops-up the Open dialog box to allow you the specify a file name. Owned by... Hard dialog Serial Port Setup dialog box Use this dialog box to specify the communication protocol required by your serial printer. If your printer operates at various baud rates, start with the highest available baud rate. If you have unreliable communications at the higher baud rates, you may have to try a lower baud rate. Owned by... Hard dialog Detail dialog box Use this dialog box to specify the nutrients that you wish to include in your output for diary contents. Dialog Box Controls... Q Include radio-buttons Custom radio-buttons Save button Cancel button Owned by... Hard dialog Include check-boxes These check-boxes let you quickly specify the nutrient groups that you wish to include in your output for diary contents. For finer control over output use the Custom check-boxes. - The nutrinet groups are defined as follows: > Custom - nutrients from the user defined custom group (see Custom check-boxes) Calories - calories Pro/Carbo/Fat - protein, carbohydrate, and fat Fat breadown - mono-unsaturated fat, poly-unsaturated fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol Vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D, E, Folic Acid, Panto.Acid Minerals - Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, and Zinc; Fiber - fiber Water - water All - all of the above Owned by... Hard dialog Custom check-boxes These check-boxes let you define your own nutrient group. This gives you individual control each nutrient to be included in your output for diary contents. u If you want the custom group to be included in your output, make sure to check 'Custom' in the Include check-boxes. Owned by... Hard dialog To add a new food to a food list WITH MOUSE d 1. Click the New button in the food-list dialog box. This will open an empty Food dialog box. a NOTE: If you need to open or locate a food-list dialog box, use the File|Open Foods... command. U 2. Enter the food's name and nutritional information into the Food Item dialog box. N To enter nutritional information, double-click an item in the Data list-box. w 3. To save the food, click the Save button in the food-item dialog box. To discard the food, click the Cancel button. r 4. (OPTIONAL) Click the File|Save menu command to immediately update the food file on disk. This step is usually not necessary because the Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to periodically perform this step to protect against power or equipment failures. WITH KEYBOARD e 1. Choose the New button in the food-list dialog box. This will open an empty Food dialog box. a NOTE: If you need to open or locate a food-list dialog box, use the File|Open Foods... command. U 2. Enter the food's name and nutritional information into the Food Item dialog box. To enter nutritional information: press D to select the Data list-box, use the arrow keys to select the desired item in the Data list-box, then press spacebar. y 3. To save the food, choose the Save button in the food-item dialog box. To discard the food, choose the Cancel button. 4. (OPTIONAL) Press F2 or choose the File|Save menu command to immediately update the food file on disk. This step is usually not necessary because the Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to periodically perform this step to protect against power or equipment failures. To add a variable to a chart WITH MOUSE P 1. Select the line where you want the variable placed in the Entries list-box. x To do this, click the desired line in the Entries list box or click the scroll bar until the desired line is selected. 2. If you want to insert the variable at the selected position, make sure that the Insert radio-button is set. If you want to overwrite the existing entry at the selected position, make sure that the Revise radio-button is set. 3. Click the Variable button. This will put you in the desktop's top most variable-list dialog box where you can select a variable to be posted. If the variable you seek is not in this variable-list, you can switch to other variable-lists on the desktop, or can load them from disk. IF THERE ARE NO VARIABLE-LISTS ON THE DESKTOP, you will be put in the Open Variable dialog box, where you can select a variable file to be opened and placed on the desktop. X 4. When you have selected the variable you want to post, click the Post button, or double-click the variable in the Variables list-box. The variable will be posted and you will be returned to the diary page. If you change your mind and decide not to post a variable, press ESC and you'll be returned to the diary page with no variable posted. WITH KEYBOARD P 1. Select the line where you want the variable placed in the Entries list-box. To do this, first press E to select the Entries list-box. Then use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the desired line in the Entries list box. 2. If you want to insert the variable at the selected position, make sure that the Insert radio-button is set. If you want to overwrite the existing entry at the selected position, make sure that the Revise radio-button is set. w 3. Choose the Variable button. This will put you in the desktop's top most variable-list dialog box where you can select a variable to be posted. If the variable you seek is not in this variable-list, you can switch to other variable-lists on the desktop, or can load them from disk. Of if you desire, you could post a meal from a diary at this time, instead of a variable. IF THERE ARE NO VARIABLE-LISTS ON THE DESKTOP, you will be put in the Open Variable dialog box, where you can select a variable file to be opened and placed on the desktop. 4. When you have selected the variable you want to post, choose the Post button. The variable will be posted and you'll be returned to the diary page. If you change your mind and decide not to post a variable, press ESC and you'll be returned to the diary page with no variable posted. To change a food's name WITH MOUSE 1. Select the Food of interest by clicking it in the Foods list-box, or by clicking the scroll bar until the desired Food is selected. I 2. Click the Edit button to pop-up a Food dialog box for the food. : 3. Type a new name for the food into the Name input box. a 4. To save any changes, click the Save button. To discard any changes, click the Cancel button. WITH KEYBOARD l 1. Press F to select the Foods list-box. You can skip this step if the Foods list-box is already selected. N 2 Use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the Food of interest. J 3. Choose the Edit button to pop-up a Food dialog box for the food. h 4. Press N to select the Name input box, if its not already selected. Type in a new name for the food. c 5. To save any changes, choose the Save button. To discard any changes, choose the Cancel button. To create a new chart WITH MOUSE a 1. Click the New button in the chart-list dialog box. This will open an empty Chart dialog box. b NOTE: If you need to open or locate a chart-list dialog box, use the File|Open Chart... command. D 2. Enter the chart's name and variables into the Chart dialog box. N For more information on adding variables see, Adding variable chart 3. To save the chart, click the Save button in the chart-item dialog box. To discard the chart, click the Cancel button. s 4. (OPTIONAL) Click the File|Save menu command to immediately update the chart file on disk. This step is usually not necessary because the Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to periodically perform this step to protect against power or equipment failures. WITH KEYBOARD b 1. Choose the New button in the chart-list dialog box. This will open an empty Chart dialog box. b NOTE: If you need to open or locate a chart-list dialog box, use the File|Open Chart... command. D 2. Enter the chart's name and variables into the Chart dialog box. N For more information on adding variables see, Adding variable chart 3. To save the chart, choose the Save button in the chart-item dialog box. To discard the chart, choose the Cancel button. 4. (OPTIONAL) Press F2 or choose the File|Save menu command to immediately update the chart file on disk. This step is usually not necessary because the Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to periodically perform this step to protect against power or equipment failures. To create a new diary page FOR DATES: Always use the calendar to create diary pages for dates. To find out how, please see Using calendar diary To create diary pages for meals, recipes, and worksheets: WITH MOUSE a 1. Click the New button in the diary dialog box. This will open an empty Diary dialog box. _ NOTE: If you need to open or locate a diary dialog box, use the File|Open Diaries... command. 2. Enter the diary page's name and contents into the Diary Page dialog box. For information on adding items to a diary page, see: Posting comment diary Posting diary Posting diary Posting variable diary 3. To save the diary page, click the Save button in the page dialog box. To discard the page, click the Cancel button. s 4. (OPTIONAL) Click the File|Save menu command to immediately update the diary file on disk. This step is usually not necessary because the Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to periodically perform this step to protect against power or equipment failures. WITH KEYBOARD b 1. Choose the New button in the diary dialog box. This will open an empty Diary dialog box. _ NOTE: If you need to open or locate a diary dialog box, use the File|Open Diaries... command. 2. Enter the diary page's name and contents into the Diary Page dialog box. For information on adding items to a diary page, see: Posting comment diary Posting diary Posting diary Posting variable diary 3. To save the page, choose the Save button in the page dialog box. To discard the page, choose the Cancel button. 4. (OPTIONAL) Press F2 or choose the File|Save menu command to immediately update the diary file on disk. This step is usually not necessary because the Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to periodically perform this step to protect against power or equipment failures. To create a new variable WITH MOUSE g 1. Click the New button in the variable-list dialog box. This will open an empty Variable dialog box. i NOTE: If you need to open or locate a variable-list dialog box, use the File|Open Variables... command. O 2. Enter the variable's name and default limits into the Variable dialog box. ~ 3. To save the variable, click the Save button in the variable dialog box. To discard the variable, click the Cancel button. v 4. (OPTIONAL) Click the File|Save menu command to immediately update the variable file on disk. This step is usually not necessary because the Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to periodically perform this step to protect against power or equipment failures. WITH KEYBOARD h 1. Choose the New button in the variable-list dialog box. This will open an empty Variable dialog box. i NOTE: If you need to open or locate a variable-list dialog box, use the File|Open Variables... command. O 2. Enter the variable's name and default limits into the Variable dialog box. 3. To save the variable, choose the Save button in the variable dialog box. To discard the variable, choose the Cancel button. 4. (OPTIONAL) Press F2 or choose the File|Save menu command to immediately update the variable file on disk. This step is usually not necessary because the Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to periodically perform this step to protect against power or equipment failures. To Delete a chart from the list WITH MOUSE 1. Select the chart to be deleted by clicking it in the Charts list-box, or by clicking the scroll bar until the desired chart is selected. : 2. Click the Delete button to delete the selected chart. C 3. Click the 'Yes' button in response to the confirmation prompt. s 4. (OPTIONAL) Click the File|Save menu command to immediately update the chart file on disk. This step is usually not necessary because the Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to periodically perform this step to protect against power or equipment failures. WITH KEYBOARD n 1. Press C to select the Charts list-box. You can skip this step if the Charts list-box is already selected. Q 2 Use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the chart to be deleted. ; 3. Choose the Delete button to delete the selected chart. Y 4. Choose the 'Yes' button, or just press Enter in response to the confirmation prompt. 5. (OPTIONAL) Press F2 or choose the File|Save menu command to immediately update the chart file on disk. This step is usually not necessary because the Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to periodically perform this step to protect against power or equipment failures. To Delete a food from a food list WITH MOUSE 1. Select the food to be deleted by clicking it in the Foods list-box, or by clicking the scroll bar until the desired food is selected. 9 2. Click the Delete button to delete the selected food. C 3. Click the 'Yes' button in response to the confirmation prompt. r 4. (OPTIONAL) Click the File|Save menu command to immediately update the food file on disk. This step is usually not necessary because the Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to periodically perform this step to protect against power or equipment failures. WITH KEYBOARD l 1. Press F to select the Foods list-box. You can skip this step if the Foods list-box is already selected. P 2 Use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the food to be deleted. : 3. Choose the Delete button to delete the selected food. Y 4. Choose the 'Yes' button, or just press Enter in response to the confirmation prompt. 5. (OPTIONAL) Press F2 or choose the File|Save menu command to immediately update the food file on disk. This step is usually not necessary because the Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to periodically perform this step to protect against power or equipment failures. To Delete a page from the diary WITH MOUSE 1. Select the page to be deleted by clicking it in the Diary Pages list-box, or by clicking the scroll bar until the desired page is selected. 9 2. Click the Delete button to delete the selected page. C 3. Click the 'Yes' button in response to the confirmation prompt. s 4. (OPTIONAL) Click the File|Save menu command to immediately update the Diary file on disk. This step is usually not necessary because the Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to periodically perform this step to protect against power or equipment failures. WITH KEYBOARD r 1. Press P to select the Diary Pages list-box. You can skip this step if the Pages list-box is already selected. P 2 Use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the page to be deleted. : 3. Choose the Delete button to delete the selected page. Y 4. Choose the 'Yes' button, or just press Enter in response to the confirmation prompt. 5. (OPTIONAL) Press F2 or choose the File|Save menu command to immediately update the Diary file on disk. This step is usually not necessary because the Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to periodically perform this step to protect against power or equipment failures. To Delete a variable from a chart WITH MOUSE 1. Select the variable to be deleted by clicking it in the Entries list-box, or by clicking the scroll bar until the desired variable is selected. 7 2. Press the Del key to delete the selected variable. WITH KEYBOARD p 1. Press E to select the Entries list-box. You can skip this step if the Entries list-box is already selected. T 2 Use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the variable to be deleted. 7 3. Press the Del key to delete the selected variable. To Delete a variable from the list WITH MOUSE 1. Select the variable to be deleted by clicking it in the Variables list-box, or by clicking the scroll bar until the desired variable is selected. = 2. Click the Delete button to delete the selected variable. C 3. Click the 'Yes' button in response to the confirmation prompt. v 4. (OPTIONAL) Click the File|Save menu command to immediately update the variable file on disk. This step is usually not necessary because the Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to periodically perform this step to protect against power or equipment failures. WITH KEYBOARD t 1. Press V to select the Variables list-box. You can skip this step if the Variables list-box is already selected. T 2 Use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the variable to be deleted. > 3. Choose the Delete button to delete the selected variable. Y 4. Choose the 'Yes' button, or just press Enter in response to the confirmation prompt. 5. (OPTIONAL) Press F2 or choose the File|Save menu command to immediately update the variable file on disk. This step is usually not necessary because the Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to periodically perform this step to protect against power or equipment failures. UNUSED To edit or view a chart WITH MOUSE 1. Select the chart of interest by clicking it in the Charts list-box, or by clicking the scroll bar until the desired chart is selected. k 2. Click the Edit button to edit the selected chart, or click the View button to view the selected chart. If you choose to edit the chart, a Chart dialog box will pop-up showing the chart's definition. To save any changes, click the Save button in the chart dialog box. To discard any changes, click the Cancel button. If you choose to view the chart, a graphical representation of the chart will be drawn using data from desktop's top most diary. WITH KEYBOARD n 1. Press C to select the Charts list-box. You can skip this step if the Charts list-box is already selected. O 2 Use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the chart of interest. m 3. Choose the Edit button to edit the selected chart, or choose the View button to view the selected chart. If you choose to edit the chart, a Chart dialog box will pop-up showing the chart's definition. To save any changes, choose the Save button in the chart dialog box. To discard any changes, choose the Cancel button. If you choose to view the chart, a graphical representation of the chart will be drawn using data from desktop's top most diary. To edit or view a diary page You can use the calendar to open diary pages for dates. To find out how, please see Using calendar diary WITH MOUSE 1. Select the diary page of interest by clicking it in the Diary Pages list-box, or by clicking the scroll bar until the desired diary page is selected. r 2. Click the Edit button to pop-up a Diary dialog box where you can edit or view the diary page's contents. 7 For information on adding items to a diary page, see: Posting comment diary Posting diary Posting diary Posting variable diary 3. To save any changes, click the Save button in the diary dialog box. To discard any changes, click the Cancel button. WITH KEYBOARD x 1. Press P to select the Diary Pages list-box. You can skip this step if the Diary Pages list-box is already selected. T 2 Use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the diary page of interest. s 3. Choose the Edit button to pop-up a Diary dialog box where you can edit or view the diary page's contents. 7 For information on adding items to a diary page, see: Posting comment diary Posting diary Posting diary Posting variable diary 4. To save any changes, choose the Save button in the food-item dialog box. To discard any changes, choose the Cancel button. To edit or view a variable WITH MOUSE 1. Select the variable of interest by clicking it in the Variables list-box, or by clicking the scroll bar until the desired variable is selected. r 2. Click the Edit button to pop-up the Variable dialog box where you can edit or view the variable's definition. | 3. To save any changes, click the Save button in the variable dialog box. To discard any changes, click the Cancel button. WITH KEYBOARD t 1. Press V to select the Variables list-box. You can skip this step if the Variables list-box is already selected. R 2 Use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the variable of interest. s 3. Choose the Edit button to pop-up the Variable dialog box where you can edit or view the variable's definition. ~ 4. To save any changes, choose the Save button in the variable dialog box. To discard any changes, choose the Cancel button. To edit or view nutritional information on a food WITH MOUSE 1. Select the Food of interest by clicking it in the Foods list-box, or by clicking the scroll bar until the desired Food is selected. ~ 2. Click the Edit button to pop-up the Food dialog box where you can edit or view the Food's name and nutritional data. O To edit a piece of nutritional data, double-click on it in the Data list-box. } 3. To save any changes, click the Save button in the food-item dialog box. To discard any changes, click the Cancel button. WITH KEYBOARD l 1. Press F to select the Foods list-box. You can skip this step if the Foods list-box is already selected. N 2 Use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the Food of interest. 3. Choose the Edit button to pop-up the Food dialog box where you can edit or view the Food's name and nutritional data. To edit nutritional data: press D to select the Data list-box, use the arrow keys to select the desired item in the Data list-box, then press spacebar. 4. To save any changes, choose the Save button in the food-item dialog box. To discard any changes, choose the Cancel button. To list foods that satisfy a nutritional criteria WITH MOUSE g 1. Click the food-list dialog box's Set Filter button. This will pop-up a Filter Criteria dialog box. % 2. Select the Names input box. Type in a string of characters that can be found in the name of the foods that you seek. For example, type 'burger' to limit the list to foods whose names contain 'burger': Hamburger, Cheeseburger, etc.. Enter blank if you don't want to filter based upon name. e You could press the down arrow to pop-up a history list of the last few filter strings you entered. 3. Double click on the first line of the Nutrient Limit list-box. This will pop-up the Serving dialog box. Enter the quantity of food corresponding to the nutrient limits you will use, then press enter. 4. Double click on a nutrient in the Nutrient Limit list-box. This will pop-up a dialog box where you can enter upper and lower limits for the nutrient. Enter limits for the nutrient then press Enter or click the Ok button. Repeat this step as needed. o 5. Make sure that the Nutrients radio-button is set, so that nutrient values are considered by the filter. U 6. Press Enter or click the Ok button to close the dialog box and apply the filter. WITH KEYBOARD h 1. Choose the food-list dialog box's Set Filter button. This will pop-up a Filter Criteria dialog box. 2. Type N to select the Names input box, if it isn't already selected. Type in a string of characters that can be found in the name of the food that you seek. For example, type 'burger' to limit the list to foods whose names contain 'burger': Hamburger, Cheeseburger, etc. e You could press the down arrow to pop-up a history list of the last few filter strings you entered. ! 3. Press Tab until the Nutrient Limits list-box is selected, then press Page Up until the first line in the list-box is selected. Press spacebar: this will pop-up the Serving dialog box. Enter the quantity of food corresponding to the nutrient limits you will use, then press enter. 4. Select a nutrient in the Nutrient Limit list-box, then press spacebar. This will pop-up a dialog box where you can enter upper and lower limits for the nutrient. Enter limits for the nutrient then press Enter or click the Ok button. Repeat this step as needed. o 5. Make sure that the Nutrients radio-button is set, so that nutrient values are considered by the filter. V 6. Press Enter or choose the Ok button to close the dialog box and apply the filter. To quickly locate a type of food WITH MOUSE g 1. Click the food-list dialog box's Set Filter button. This will pop-up a Filter Criteria dialog box. 2. Select the Names input box. Type in a string of characters that can be found in the name of the food that you seek. For example, type 'burger' to limit the list to foods whose names contain 'burger': Hamburger, Cheeseburger, etc. e You could press the down arrow to pop-up a history list of the last few filter strings you entered. s 3. Make sure that the Nutrients radio-button is set, so that nutrient values aren't considered by the filter. U 4. Press Enter or click the Ok button to close the dialog box and apply the filter. WITH KEYBOARD h 1. Choose the food-list dialog box's Set Filter button. This will pop-up a Filter Criteria dialog box. 2. Type N to select the Names input box, if it isn't already selected. Type in a string of characters that can be found in the name of the food that you seek. For example, type 'burger' to limit the list to foods whose names contain 'burger': Hamburger, Cheeseburger, etc. e You could press the down arrow to pop-up a history list of the last few filter strings you entered. s 3. Make sure that the Nutrients radio-button is set, so that nutrient values aren't considered by the filter. U 4. Press Enter or click the Ok button to close the dialog box and apply the filter. To post a comment onto a diary page WITH MOUSE O 1. Select the line where you want the comment placed in the Entries list-box. x To do this, click the desired line in the Entries list box or click the scroll bar until the desired line is selected. 2. If you want to insert the comment at the selected position, make sure that the Insert radio-button is set. If you want to overwrite the existing entry at the selected position, make sure that the Revise radio-button is set. r 3. Click the Comment button to display the Enter Comment dialog box. Enter the comment's text in the dialog box. 4. Click the OK button to accept the comment. Click the Cancel button if you change you mind, and decide not to add a comment. WITH KEYBOARD O 1. Select the line where you want the comment placed in the Entries list-box. To do this, first press E to select the Entries list-box. Then use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the desired line in the Entries list box. 2. If you want to insert the comment at the selected position, make sure that the Insert radio-button is set. If you want to overwrite the existing entry at the selected position, make sure that the Revise radio-button is set. s 3. Choose the Comment button to display the Enter Comment dialog box. Enter the comment's text in the dialog box. 4. Choose the OK button to accept the comment. Choose the Cancel button if you change you mind, and decide not to add a comment. To post a food onto a diary page WITH MOUSE L 1. Select the line where you want the food placed in the Entries list-box. x To do this, click the desired line in the Entries list box or click the scroll bar until the desired line is selected. 2. If you want to insert the food at the selected position, make sure that the Insert radio-button is set. If you want to overwrite the existing entry at the selected position, make sure that the Revise radio-button is set. ^ 3. Click the Add button. This will put you in the desktop's top most food-list dialog box where you can select a food to be posted. If the food you seek is not in this food-list, you can switch to other food-lists on the desktop, or can load them from disk. Of if you desire, you could post a meal from a diary at this time, instead of a food. IF THERE ARE NO FOOD-LISTS ON THE DESKTOP, you will be put in the Open dialog box, where you can select a food file to be opened and placed on the desktop. 4. When you have selected the food you want to post, click the Post button, or double-click the food in the Foods list-box. The food will be posted and you will be returned to the diary page. For more information on locating foods, please see Locating foods filtering food-list. If you change your mind and decide not to post a food, press ESC and you'll be returned to the diary page with no food posted. WITH KEYBOARD L 1. Select the line where you want the food placed in the Entries list-box. To do this, first press E to select the Entries list-box. Then use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the desired line in the Entries list box. 2. If you want to insert the food at the selected position, make sure that the Insert radio-button is set. If you want to overwrite the existing entry at the selected position, make sure that the Revise radio-button is set. _ 3. Choose the Add button. This will put you in the desktop's top most food-list dialog box where you can select a food to be posted. If the food you seek is not in this food-list, you can switch to other food-lists on the desktop, or can load them from disk. Of if you desire, you could post a meal from a diary at this time, instead of a food. IF THERE ARE NO FOOD-LISTS ON THE DESKTOP, you will be put in the Open dialog box, where you can select a food file to be opened and placed on the desktop. 4. When you have selected the food you want to post, choose the Post button. The food will be posted and you will be returned to the diary page. For more information on locating foods, please see Locating foods filtering food-list. If you change your mind and decide not to post a food, press ESC and you'll be returned to the diary page with no food posted. To post a meal onto a diary page Posting a meal refers to posting an entire diary page onto another diary page. WITH MOUSE L 1. Select the line where you want the page placed in the Entries list-box. x To do this, click the desired line in the Entries list box or click the scroll bar until the desired line is selected. 2. If you want to insert the page at the selected position, make sure that the Insert radio-button is set. If you want to overwrite the existing entry at the selected position, make sure that the Revise radio-button is set. J 3. Click the Add button. This will put you in the diary dialog box where you can select a diary page to be posted. If the page you seek is not in this diary, you can switch to other diaries on the desktop, or can load them from disk. Of if you desire, you could post a food from a food-list at this time, instead of a page. 4. When you have selected the page you want to post, click the Post button, or double-click the page in the Diary Pages list-box. The page will be posted and you will be returned to the diary page. If you change your mind and decide not to post a page, press ESC and you'll be returned to the diary page with no page posted. WITH KEYBOARD L 1. Select the line where you want the page placed in the Entries list-box. To do this, first press E to select the Entries list-box. Then use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the desired line in the Entries list box. 2. If you want to insert the page at the selected position, make sure that the Insert radio-button is set. If you want to overwrite the existing entry at the selected position, make sure that the Revise radio-button is set. B 3. Choose the Add button. This will put you in the diary dialog box where you can select a page to be posted. If the page you seek is not in this diary, you can switch to other diaries the desktop, or can load them from disk. Of if you desire, you could post a food from a food-list at this time, instead of a page. 4. When you have selected the page you want to post, choose the Post button. The page will be posted and you will be returned to the diary page. If you change your mind and decide not to post a page, press ESC and you'll be returned to the diary page with no page posted. To post a variable onto a diary page WITH MOUSE P 1. Select the line where you want the variable placed in the Entries list-box. x To do this, click the desired line in the Entries list box or click the scroll bar until the desired line is selected. 2. If you want to insert the variable at the selected position, make sure that the Insert radio-button is set. If you want to overwrite the existing entry at the selected position, make sure that the Revise radio-button is set. 3. Click the Variable button. This will put you in the desktop's top most variable-list dialog box where you can select a variable to be posted. If the variable you seek is not in this variable-list, you can switch to other variable-lists on the desktop, or can load them from disk. IF THERE ARE NO VARIABLE-LISTS ON THE DESKTOP, you will be put in the Open Variable dialog box, where you can select a variable file to be opened and placed on the desktop. 4. When you have selected the variable you want to post, click the Post button, or double-click the variable in the Variables list-box. You will be prompted to enter a value for the variable. After you enter a value, the variable will be posted and you'll be returned to the diary page. If you change your mind and decide not to post a variable, press ESC and you'll be returned to the diary page with no variable posted. WITH KEYBOARD P 1. Select the line where you want the variable placed in the Entries list-box. To do this, first press E to select the Entries list-box. Then use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the desired line in the Entries list box. 2. If you want to insert the variable at the selected position, make sure that the Insert radio-button is set. If you want to overwrite the existing entry at the selected position, make sure that the Revise radio-button is set. w 3. Choose the Variable button. This will put you in the desktop's top most variable-list dialog box where you can select a variable to be posted. If the variable you seek is not in this variable-list, you can switch to other variable-lists on the desktop, or can load them from disk. Of if you desire, you could post a meal from a diary at this time, instead of a variable. IF THERE ARE NO VARIABLE-LISTS ON THE DESKTOP, you will be put in the Open Variable dialog box, where you can select a variable file to be opened and placed on the desktop. 4. When you have selected the variable you want to post, choose the Post button. You will be prompted to enter a value for the variable. After you enter a value, the variable will be posted and you'll be returned to the diary page. If you change your mind and decide not to post a variable, press ESC and you'll be returned to the diary page with no variable posted. To print, file, or view information for a range of diary pages WITH MOUSE 1. In the Diary dialog box, select the first diary page to be output by clicking on it in the Diary Pages list-box, or by clicking on the scroll bar. U 2. Click the diary dialog box's Go button. This will pop-up a Hard dialog box. ] 3. Note that both From and To are set to the first diary page. If you wish to output more than one diary page, click the To button. This will put you in the diary dialog box so you can choose the last diary page of the range. Do this by double clicking on a diary page in the Diary Pages list box. You will be returned to the Hard Copy dialog box. I 4. Using the Options check-boxes, check each type of output you desire. ; 5. Using the Printers radio-buttons, choose your printer. P 6. Using the Destinations check-boxes, check each destination type you desire. 7. If you are sending output to a text window, click the Configure button and choose the filename command to set the filename. - 8. Click the Go button to start the output. WITH KEYBOARD 1. In the Diary dialog box, press P to select the Diary Pages list-box. Use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the first diary page to be output. V 2. Choose the diary dialog box's Go button. This will pop-up a Hard dialog box. 3. Note that both From and To are set to the first diary page. If you wish to output more than one diary page, choose the To button. This will put you in the diary dialog box. Press P to select the Diary pages list-box, then use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the last diary page of the range. Press spacebar or choose the Post button. You will be returned to the Hard Copy dialog box. I 4. Using the Options check-boxes, check each type of output you desire. ; 5. Using the Printers radio-buttons, choose your printer. P 6. Using the Destinations check-boxes, check each destination type you desire. 7. If you are sending output to a text window, click the Configure button and choose the filename command to set the filename. . 8. Choose the Go button to start the output. UNUSED To print or view a sequence of charts WITH MOUSE 1. In the Chart-list dialog box, select the first chart to be output by clicking on it in the Charts list-box, or by clicking on the scroll bar. U 2. Click the diary dialog box's Go button. This will pop-up a Hard dialog box. D 3. Note that both From and To are set to the first chart. If you wish to output more than one chart, click the To button. This will put you in the diary dialog box so you can choose the last chart of the range. Do this by double clicking on a chart in the Charts list box. You will be returned to the Hard Copy dialog box. I 4. Using the Options check-boxes, check each type of output you desire. ; 5. Using the Printers radio-buttons, choose your printer. P 6. Using the Destinations check-boxes, check each destination type you desire. 7. If you are sending output to a text window, click the Configure button and choose the filename command to set the filename. - 8. Click the Go button to start the output. WITH KEYBOARD 1. In the Chart-list dialog box, press P to select the Charts list-box. Use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the first chart to be output. V 2. Choose the diary dialog box's Go button. This will pop-up a Hard dialog box. 3. Note that both From and To are set to the first chart. If you wish to output more than one chart, choose the To button. This will put you in the diary dialog box. Press P to select the Diary pages list-box, then use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the last chart of the range. Press spacebar or choose the Post button. You will be returned to the Hard Copy dialog box. I 4. Using the Options check-boxes, check each type of output you desire. ; 5. Using the Printers radio-buttons, choose your printer. P 6. Using the Destinations check-boxes, check each destination type you desire. 7. If you are sending output to a text window, click the Configure button and choose the filename command to set the filename. . 8. Choose the Go button to start the output. To print or view diary page graphs and tables WITH MOUSE ~ 1. Select the first diary page to be output by clicking on it in the Diary Pages list-box, or by clicking on the scroll bar. U 2. Click the diary dialog box's Go button. This will pop-up a Hard dialog box. ] 3. Note that both From and To are set to the first diary page. If you wish to output more than one diary page, click the To button. This will put you in the diary dialog box so you can choose the last diary page of the range. Do this by double clicking on a diary page in the Diary Pages list box. You will be returned to the Hard Copy dialog box. I 4. Using the Options check-boxes, check each type of output you desire. ; 5. Using the Printers radio-buttons, choose your printer. P 6. Using the Destinations check-boxes, check each destination type you desire. 7. If you are sending output to a text window, click the Configure button and choose the filename command to set the filename. - 8. Click the Go button to start the output. WITH KEYBOARD 1. With the Diary dialog box selected, press P to select the Diary Pages list-box. Use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the first diary page to be output. V 2. Choose the diary dialog box's Go button. This will pop-up a Hard dialog box. 3. Note that both From and To are set to the first diary page. If you wish to output more than one diary page, choose the To button. This will put you in the diary dialog box. Press P to select the Diary pages list-box, then use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the last diary page of the range. Press spacebar or choose the Post button. You will be returned to the Hard Copy dialog box. I 4. Using the Options check-boxes, check each type of output you desire. ; 5. Using the Printers radio-buttons, choose your printer. P 6. Using the Destinations check-boxes, check each destination type you desire. 7. If you are sending output to a text window, click the Configure button and choose the filename command to set the filename. . 8. Choose the Go button to start the output. UNUSED To save a Chart-list under a new name WITH MOUSE v 1. Make the chart-list dialog box that you want to save under a new name into the active window, if its not already. To do this, click on an unused portion of the chart-list dialog box. It will move to the top of the desktop and display a double lined border. If the chart dialog box is covered by another window, you could use the Window|Next and Window|Previous commands, or F6 and Shift-F6. 2. Click the File|SaveAs menu command to pop-up the Save Chart dialog box. Enter the new name for the chart file, or choose an existing file from the list. - 3. Click the Ok button to perform the save. If you used the name of an existing file, you will be asked to confirm the save. If you confirm, the contents of the existing file will be lost. Click Ok to confirm the save. 2 The chart-list dialog box takes on the new name. WITH KEYBOARD e 1. Make the chart-list dialog box that you want to save into the active window, if its not already. To do this press F6 or Shift-F6 until it becomes the active window. You can tell it's the active window when it has a double lined border. You could also use the Window|Next and Window|Previous commands to make it the active window. 2. Press F2 or choose the File|Save menu command to pop-up the Save Chart dialog box. Enter the new name for the chart file, or choose an existing file from the list. = 3. Press Enter or choose the Ok button to perform the save. If you used the name of an existing file, you will be asked to confirm the save. If you confirm, the contents of the existing file will be lost. Press Enter to confirm the save. 2 The chart-list dialog box takes on the new name. To save a diary under a new name WITH MOUSE q 1. Make the diary dialog box that you want to save under a new name into the active window, if its not already. To do this, click on an unused portion of the diary dialog box. It will move to the top of the desktop and display a double lined border. If the diary dialog box is covered by another window, you could use the Window|Next and Window|Previous commands, or F6 and Shift-F6. 2. Click the File|SaveAs menu command to pop-up the Save Diary dialog box. Enter the new name for the diary file, or choose an existing file from the list. - 3. Click the Ok button to perform the save. If you used the name of an existing file, you will be asked to confirm the save. If you confirm, the contents of the existing file will be lost. Click Ok to confirm the save. - The diary dialog box takes on the new name. WITH KEYBOARD ` 1. Make the diary dialog box that you want to save into the active window, if its not already. To do this press F6 or Shift-F6 until it becomes the active window. You can tell it's the active window when it has a double lined border. You could also use the Window|Next and Window|Previous commands to make it the active window. 2. Press F2 or choose the File|Save menu command to pop-up the Save Diary dialog box. Enter the new name for the diary file, or choose an existing file from the list. = 3. Press Enter or choose the Ok button to perform the save. If you used the name of an existing file, you will be asked to confirm the save. If you confirm, the contents of the existing file will be lost. Press Enter to confirm the save. - The diary dialog box takes on the new name. To save a food list under a new name WITH MOUSE u 1. Make the food-list dialog box that you want to save under a new name into the active window, if its not already. To do this, click on an unused portion of the food-list dialog box. It will move to the top of the desktop and display a double lined border. If the food dialog box is covered by another window, you could use the Window|Next and Window|Previous commands, or F6 and Shift-F6. 2. Click the File|SaveAs menu command to pop-up the Save dialog box. Enter the new name for the food file, or choose an existing file from the list. - 3. Click the Ok button to perform the save. If you used the name of an existing file, you will be asked to confirm the save. If you confirm, the contents of the existing file will be lost. Click Ok to confirm the save. 1 The food-list dialog box takes on the new name. WITH KEYBOARD d 1. Make the food-list dialog box that you want to save into the active window, if its not already. To do this press F6 or Shift-F6 until it becomes the active window. You can tell it's the active window when it has a double lined border. You could also use the Window|Next and Window|Previous commands to make it the active window. 2. Press F2 or choose the File|Save menu command to pop-up the Save dialog box. Enter the new name for the food file, or choose an existing file from the list. = 3. Press Enter or choose the Ok button to perform the save. If you used the name of an existing file, you will be asked to confirm the save. If you confirm, the contents of the existing file will be lost. Press Enter to confirm the save. 1 The food-list dialog box takes on the new name. To save a Variable-list under a new name WITH MOUSE y 1. Make the variable-list dialog box that you want to save under a new name into the active window, if its not already. To do this, click on an unused portion of the variable-list dialog box. It will move to the top of the desktop and display a double lined border. If the variable dialog box is covered by another window, you could use the Window|Next and Window|Previous commands, or F6 and Shift-F6. 2. Click the File|SaveAs menu command to pop-up the Save Variable dialog box. Enter the new name for the variable file, or choose an existing file from the list. - 3. Click the Ok button to perform the save. If you used the name of an existing file, you will be asked to confirm the save. If you confirm, the contents of the existing file will be lost. Click Ok to confirm the save. 5 The variable-list dialog box takes on the new name. WITH KEYBOARD h 1. Make the variable-list dialog box that you want to save into the active window, if its not already. To do this press F6 or Shift-F6 until it becomes the active window. You can tell it's the active window when it has a double lined border. You could also use the Window|Next and Window|Previous commands to make it the active window. 2. Press F2 or choose the File|Save menu command to pop-up the Save Variable dialog box. Enter the new name for the variable file, or choose an existing file from the list. = 3. Press Enter or choose the Ok button to perform the save. If you used the name of an existing file, you will be asked to confirm the save. If you confirm, the contents of the existing file will be lost. Press Enter to confirm the save. 5 The variable-list dialog box takes on the new name. To save changes made to a Chart-list The Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to use the following procedure periodically to save your data and protect against power or equipment failures. WITH MOUSE e 1. Make the chart-list dialog box that you want to save into the active window, if its not already. To do this, click on an unused portion of the chart-list dialog box. It will move to the top of the desktop and display a double lined border. If the chart dialog box is covered by another window, you could use the Window|Next and Window|Previous commands, or F6 and Shift-F6. G 2. Click the File|Save menu command to update the chart file on disk. WITH KEYBOARD e 1. Make the chart-list dialog box that you want to save into the active window, if its not already. To do this press F6 or Shift-F6 until it becomes the active window. You can tell it's the active window when it has a double lined border. You could also use the Window|Next and Window|Previous commands to make it the active window. T 2. Press F2 or choose the File|Save menu command to update the chart file on disk. To save changes made to a diary The Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to use the following procedure periodically to save your data and protect against power or equipment failures. WITH MOUSE ` 1. Make the diary dialog box that you want to save into the active window, if its not already. To do this, click on an unused portion of the diary dialog box. It will move to the top of the desktop and display a double lined border. If the diary dialog box is covered by another window, you could use the Window|Next and Window|Previous commands, or F6 and Shift-F6. G 2. Click the File|Save menu command to update the diary file on disk. WITH KEYBOARD ` 1. Make the diary dialog box that you want to save into the active window, if its not already. To do this press F6 or Shift-F6 until it becomes the active window. You can tell it's the active window when it has a double lined border. You could also use the Window|Next and Window|Previous commands to make it the active window. T 2. Press F2 or choose the File|Save menu command to update the diary file on disk. To save changes made to a food list The Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to use the following procedure periodically to save your data and protect against power or equipment failures. WITH MOUSE d 1. Make the food-list dialog box that you want to save into the active window, if its not already. To do this, click on an unused portion of the food-list dialog box. It will move to the top of the desktop and display a double lined border. If the food-list dialog box is covered by another window, you could use the Window|Next and Window|Previous commands, or F6 and Shift-F6. F 2. Click the File|Save menu command to update the food file on disk. WITH KEYBOARD d 1. Make the food-list dialog box that you want to save into the active window, if its not already. To do this press F6 or Shift-F6 until it becomes the active window. You can tell it's the active window when it has a double lined border. You could also use the Window|Next and Window|Previous commands to make it the active window. S 2. Press F2 or choose the File|Save menu command to update the food file on disk. To save changes made to a Variable-list The Professional Nutritionist always prompts you upon exit to save any unsaved data to disk. However, when entering large amounts of data, you may wish to use the following procedure periodically to save your data and protect against power or equipment failures. WITH MOUSE h 1. Make the variable-list dialog box that you want to save into the active window, if its not already. ! To do this, click on an unused portion of the variable-list dialog box. It will move to the top of the desktop and display a double lined border. If the variable-list dialog box is covered by another window, you could use the Window|Next and Window|Previous commands, or F6 and Shift-F6. J 2. Click the File|Save menu command to update the variable file on disk. WITH KEYBOARD h 1. Make the variable-list dialog box that you want to save into the active window, if its not already. To do this press F6 or Shift-F6 until it becomes the active window. You can tell it's the active window when it has a double lined border. You could also use the Window|Next and Window|Previous commands to make it the active window. W 2. Press F2 or choose the File|Save menu command to update the variable file on disk. UNUSED To Specify nutritional values for a food WITH MOUSE 1. Select the Food of interest by clicking it in the Foods list-box, or by clicking the scroll bar until the desired Food is selected. ~ 2. Click the Edit button to pop-up the Food dialog box where you can edit or view the Food's name and nutritional data. O To edit a piece of nutritional data, double-click on it in the Data list-box. } 3. To save any changes, click the Save button in the food-item dialog box. To discard any changes, click the Cancel button. WITH KEYBOARD l 1. Press F to select the Foods list-box. You can skip this step if the Foods list-box is already selected. N 2 Use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the Food of interest. 3. Choose the Edit button to pop-up the Food dialog box where you can edit or view the Food's name and nutritional data. To edit nutritional data: press D to select the Data list-box, use the arrow keys to select the desired item in the Data list-box, then press spacebar. 4. To save any changes, choose the Save button in the food-item dialog box. To discard any changes, choose the Cancel button. To Specify the serving size for a food The Professional Nutritionist uses serving size to convert from numbers of 'Servings' to units of weight and volume. WITH MOUSE 1. Select the Food of interest by clicking it in the Foods list-box, or by clicking the scroll bar until the desired Food is selected. > 2. Click the Edit button to pop-up the Food dialog box. m 3. Double-click on the first item in the Data list-box, quantity. This will pop-up the Quantity dialog box. 4. Click the Serving button to pop-up the Serving dialog box. Enter the weight and volume for one serving of the food. a 5. To save any changes, click the Save button. To discard any changes, click the Cancel button. . 6. Repeat step 5 in the Quantity dialog box. WITH KEYBOARD l 1. Press F to select the Foods list-box. You can skip this step if the Foods list-box is already selected. N 2 Use the page up, page down, and arrow keys to select the Food of interest. 3. Choose the Edit button to pop-up the Food dialog box where you can edit or view the Food's name and nutritional data. 4. P press D to select the Data list-box, then press Page Up until the first item in the Data list-box is selected: quantity.. U 3. With quantity selected press spacebar. This will pop-up the Quantity dialog box. 4. Choose the Serving button to pop-up the Serving dialog box. Enter the weight and volume for one serving of the food. c 5. To save any changes, choose the Save button. To discard any changes, choose the Cancel button. . 6. Repeat step 5 in the Quantity dialog box. To Specify the start date for a chart WITH MOUSE 1. With the Chart dialog box box selected, click the Start button. This will put you in the Diary dialog box of the desktop's top-most diary so you can select the start date. By clicking the Cal menu command you can pop-up a calendar and can choose a start date from there. If no diaries are on the desktop the calendar will pop-up automatically. x 2. Double click on a date. If you change your mind, press ESC. Either way, you'll be returned to the Chart dialog box. WITH KEYBOARD 1. With the Chart dialog box box selected, choose the Start button. This will put you in the Diary dialog box of the desktop's top-most diary so you can select the start date. By pressing F9 you can pop-up a calendar and can choose a start date from there. If no diaries are on the desktop the calendar will pop-up automatically. 2. Select a date and press spacebar. If you change your mind, press ESC. Either way, you'll be returned to the Chart dialog box. To use the calendar to open a diary page WITH MOUSE 7 1. Click the Cal menu command to pop-up the calendar. { 2. Locate the desired date in the calendar: the current date is highlighted. Click the up or down arrows to change month. 3. Click on a day in the calendar to open or create a diary page for that day. The page is opened using the desktop's top-most diary. UNUSED To view nutritional averages for a range of diary pages WITH MOUSE 1. Click the Averaging button to pop-up the Diet Averaging dialog box. Initially, the dialog box show averages for the past week. 2. To change the range of days covered by the average, click the First button or the Last button. This will put you in the Diary dialog box of the desktop's top-most diary so you can select the start date. By clicking the Cal menu command you can pop-up a calendar and can choose a date from there. If no diaries are on the desktop the calendar will pop-up automatically. 3. Double click on a date. If you change your mind, press ESC. Either way, you'll be returned to the Chart dialog box. The averages are immediately updated. WITH KEYBOARD 1. Choose the Averaging button to pop-up the Diet Averaging dialog box. Initially, the dialog box show averages for the past week. 2. To change the range of days covered by the average, choose the First button or the Last button. This will put you in the Diary dialog box of the desktop's top-most diary so you can select the start date. By pressing F9 you can pop-up a calendar and can choose a date from there. If no diaries are on the desktop the calendar will pop-up automatically. 3. Select a date and press spacebar. If you change your mind, press ESC. Either way, you'll be returned to the Chart dialog box. The averages are immediately updated. To view the recommended daily allowance WITH MOUSE @ 1. Click the Goals button or double click the Totals list-box. WITH KEYBOARD N 1. Choose the Goals Button or select the Totals list-box and press spacebar. Menu Structure (System) |About |Video File File|Open Foods... File|Open Diaries... File|Open Variables... File|Open Charts... File|Open Text... File|Save File|Save As... File|Save Desktop... File|Retrieve Desktop... File|Change dir... File|DOS Shell File|Exit Text Text|Open Text... Text|Print Text... Text|Undo Text|Cut Text|Copy Text|Paste Text|Show clipboard Text|Clear Text|Find Text|Replace Text|Search again Calendar command Tools Tools|Male Composition Tools|Female Composition Tools|Desirable Weight Tools|Target Pulse Tools|Calculator Windows Window|Cascade Window|Close Window|Iconize Window|Next Window|Previous Window|Size/Move Window|Tile Window|Zoom Window|Clear Desktop Help Help|Help Help|Previous topic Help|Help Index Help|Demonstrations... (System) menu (Alt-Spacebar) The System menu appears on the far left of the menu bar and is represented by the symbol. * The System menu contains these commands: About Video About... When you choose the About command from the (System) menu, a dialog box appears, showing copyright and version information. G To close the box, press Esc, Space, or Enter, or click the OK button. Video When you choose the Video command from the (System) menu, the video display mode toggles between 25 lines and 43/50 lines. The display will toggle between 25x80 and 43x80 with and EGA card, and between 25x80 and 50x80 with a VGA card. Calendar command The Calendar command opens a small calendar which displays the current month. It also allows you to view other months. Whenever you wish to respond to a query with a date, you can click over a day on the calendar. Otherwise, clicking over a day on the calendar opens a diary page for that day. The diary page is opened from the top most diary file present on the desktop, or if no diary file is open, the Open Diary dialog box is opened. Calendar The Calendar is small window which displays the current month. It also allows you to view other months. Whenever you wish to respond to a query with a date, you can click over a day on the calendar. Otherwise, clicking over a day on the calendar opens a diary page for that day. The diary page is opened from the top most diary file present on the desktop, or if no diary file is open, the Open Diary dialog box is opened. File (Alt-F) The File menu offers choices for opening and saving files, saving and retrieving the desktop, changing directories, and exiting the program: File|Open Foods... File|Open Diaries... File|Open Variables... File|Open Charts... File|Open Text... File|Save File|Save As... File|Save Desktop... File|Retrieve Desktop... File|Change dir... File|DOS Shell File|Exit File|Open Foods... (F7) The Foods command displays the Open dialog box. In this dialog box you select the food file you want to pull up on to the desktop. You also use this command to create a new food file. File|Open Diaries... (F8) The Diaries command displays the Open Diary dialog box. In this dialog box you select the diary file you want to pull up on to the desktop. You also use this command to create a new diary file. File|Open Variables... (Shift-F7) The Variables command displays the Open Variable dialog box. In this dialog box you select the variable file you want to pull up on to the desktop. You also use this command to create a new variable file. File|Open Charts... (Shift-F8) The Charts command displays the Open Chart dialog box. In this dialog box you select the chart file you want to pull up on to the desktop. You also use this command to create a new chart file. Open Text... (F3) The Open Text command displays the Open dialog box. In this dialog box you select the text file you want to pull up on to the desktop. You also use this command to create a new text file. Text|Print Text The Text|Print Text command prints the contents of a Text window on your printer. > NOTE: To use this feature successfully, you must have first: p 1) Select the proper printer port by using the Configure button of the Hard dialog 2) Setup your printer to use the IBM PC extended character set or equivalent. On laser printers this is usually done through the control panel location on the printer itself. On HP laser printers choose PC-8 for the character set. File|Save (F2) The Save command saves the file associated with the active window. File|SaveAs... (Shift-F2) The SaveAs command saves the file associated with the active window. File Save Desktop... (Shift-F4) Opens the Save Desktop dialog box which allows you to save a desktop configuration so that it can be recalled at a later time with the Retrieve Desktop command. The desktop configuration includes the video mode, the contents of all history lists, and all desktop objects such as file windows, icons, dialog boxes, and calculators. File Retrieve Desktop... (F4) Opens the Retrieve Desktop dialog box which allows you to recall a desktop configuration that was previously saved with the Save Desktop command. The desktop configuration includes the video mode, the contents of all history lists, and all desktop objects such as file windows, icons, dialog boxes, and calculators. File Change Dir... Change Dir brings up the Change Directory dialog box, in which you can change the current directory. File DOS Shell With the DOS Shell command, you can leave the program temporarily to perform a DOS command or run another program. 9 To return to this program, type EXIT at the DOS prompt. File Exit (Alt-X) The Exit command terminates this program. Text (Alt-T) The Text menu offers commands to open a Text window, perform undo, use the clipboard, and perform search and replace operations: File|Open Text... Text|Undo Text|Cut Text|Copy Text|Paste Text|Show clipboard Text|Clear Text|Find Text|Replace Text|Search again Text|Print Text... Text|Undo This command takes back the last editing command you performed on a line. It can also restore a deleted line. p THIS COMMAND ONLY WORKS IF you haven't moved the cursor since performing the edit command that's to be undone. Text|Cut This command removes marked text from a text window and places it in the clipboard. p To mark text, drag on it with a mouse or use Ctrl-K B and the cursor movement commands (see Text window). O To copy text from the clipboard to a text window, use the Text|Paste command. Text|Copy This command copies marked text from a text window to the clipboard. p To mark text, drag on it with a mouse or use Ctrl-K B and the cursor movement commands (see Text window). O To copy text from the clipboard to a text window, use the Text|Paste command. Text|Paste This command copies marked text from the clipboard to the cursor position of the active Text window. G To put text in the clipboard, use the Text|Copy or Text|Cut commands. Text|ShowClipboard This command makes the clipboard visible. Closing the clipboard makes it invisible. Text|Clear This command deletes the marked text of active Text window. Text|Find... This command pops-up up the Find dialog box. Text|Replace... This command pops-up the Replace dialog box. Text|Search again This command repeats the previous text find or replace operation. Window (Alt-W) The Window menu contains commands to close, move and perform other window-management commands. Most of the windows in this program have all the standard window elements, including scroll bars, a close box, and zoom icons. Window-management commands Window|Cascade Window|Close Window|Iconize Window|Next Window|Previous Window|Size/Move Window|Tile Window|Zoom Window|Clear Desktop Window Size/Move (Ctrl-F5) Choose this command to change the size or position of the active window. " Size If you press Shift while you use the arrow keys, you can change the size of the active window. Once you've adjusted its size or position, press Enter. Q If a window has a Resize corner, you can drag that corner to resize the window. " Move When you choose Window Size/Move, the active window moves in response to the arrow keys. Once you've moved the window to where you want it, press Enter. F You can also move a window by dragging its title bar with the mouse. Window Zoom (F5) Choose Zoom to resize the active window to the maximum size. If the window is already zoomed, you can choose this command to restore it to its previous size. With a mouse, you can click the zoom box in the upper left corner to zoom a window. You can also double-click anywhere on the window's title bar (except where an icon appears) to zoom or unzoom the window. Window Next Choose Next to cycle forwards through the windows on the desktop. Window Previous Choose Previous to cycle backwards through the windows on the desktop. Window Close (Alt-F3) Choose Close to close the active window. N You can also click the Close box in the upper left corner to close a window. Window Iconize (Shift-F5) Window Tile Choose Window Tile to tile all diary page windows, food item windows, and text windows on the desktop. L Window 1 Window 2 Window 3 Window 4 Tiled Windows Window Cascade Choose Window Cascade to stack all diary page windows, food item window, and text windows on the desktop. A Window 1 Window 2 Window 3 Window 4 Cascaded Windows Window|Clear Desktop Choose Window Clear Desktop to close all the windows and other objects currently on the desktop. The program will prompt you to approve the saving of each file that has been modified. Calc command The Calc menu command pops-up a simple six-function numerical calculator. Any number of calculators may be present on the desktop at one time. Calculator The calculator is a simple six-function numerical calculator that operates much like a real hand held calculator. To operate the calculator you can either use the keyboard or press buttons on the calculator with a mouse. You can also use the tab key to move from button to button, then press space or enter to simulate a button press. + The calculator's keys operate as follows: C : clears the calculator's display but preserves memory contents S : stores the value shown on the calculator's display in memory R : recalls memory contents and puts it on the calculator's display : swaps the calculator's display and the contents of memory : negates the display (multiples by -1) % : enters the percent operator + : enters the addition operator - : enters the subtraction operator * : enters the multiplication operator : enters the division operator : calculates the square-root of the display = : completes any pending calculations : erases the last digit or decimal point entered . : enters a decimal point 0..9 : enters a digit Calculators can be iconized. 1 You can pop-up as many calculators as you like. Tools (Alt-O) The tools menu offers commands that pop-up calculators for estimating body fat percentage, calculating desirable weight, and calculating aerobic target heart rates. It also provides a simple numerical calculator. Tools Tools|Male Composition Tools|Female Composition Tools|Desirable Weight Tools|Target Pulse Tools|Calculator Tools|Male Body Composition... Choose this command to pop-up a Male Composition dialog box. This is a body fat calculator for males, that uses skin fold measurements. : You can pop-up as many of these calculators as you like. Tools|Female Body Composition... Choose this command to pop-up a Female Composition) dialog box This is body fat calculator for females, that uses skin fold measurements. : You can pop-up as many of these calculators as you like. Tools|Desirable Weight... Choose this command to pop-up a Desirable Weight dialog box. ; You can pop-up as many of these dialog boxes as you like. Tools|Target Pulse... Choose this command to pop-up a Target Pulse dialog box. ; You can pop-up as many of these dialog boxes as you like. Help (Alt-H) The Help menu offers commands for getting helped by computer: C Help|Help Help|Previous topic Help|Help Index Help|Previous topic (Alt-F1) The Help|Previous topic command displays the last Help screen you viewed; you can page backward through the past 25 Help screens. When no more Help screens are left, this command puts you in the Help Index. Help|Demonstrations... (Ctrl-F1) The Help|Demonstrations command first prompts you to approve saving any unsaved data, clears the desktop, then displays the Demonstrations dialog box. Q When the Demonstrations dialog box appears you can choose from a list of automatic demonstrations. These demonstrations run the Professional Nutritionist program automatically while you watch, like you were watching a video tape. The program provides narration to explain what's going on. These demonstrations are designed to get you up to speed using the program as quickly as possible. You can watch the demonstrations as many times as you want, stop at any point, speed them up or slow them down, turn narration on or off, or even stop at any point and take over from that point yourself. You can not modify any of the files used in the demonstrations, however you can make copies of these files and modify the copies. l When running demonstration, you can pause at any time by pressing SPACEBAR or by right clicking the mouse. E When you pause a demonstration, the "playback" pop-up menu appears. You can adjust the speed of playback by using the "playback" pop-up menu's Slower and Faster commands, or by pressing the up and down arrow keys during a demo. These Slower and Faster commands adjust the demo speed down or up by 20%. The current playback rate is indicated next to the "Continue" menu item. You also have the option to turn Narrative on or off, and to turn Sound on or off. Professional Nutritionist On-Line Help Index (System) |About |Video Abbreviations Names Amount Nutrient dialog Calculator Calendar Change Directory dialog Chart dialog Chart Chart-list dialog Click Clinical dialog Desirable Weight dialog Detail dialog Dialog Boxes Amount Nutrient dialog Change Directory dialog Chart dialog Chart-list dialog Clinical dialog Desirable Weight dialog Detail dialog Diary dialog Diary dialog Diet Averaging dialog Female Composition dialog Filter Criteria dialog Find dialog Food dialog Food-list dialog Hard dialog Male Composition dialog Normal dialog Open dialog Open Chart dialog Open Diary dialog Open dialog Open Variable dialog Profile dialog Quantity dialog RDA dialog REE Method:Body Weight dialog Replace dialog Retrieve Desktop dialog Save Chart dialog Save Desktop dialog Save Diary dialog Save dialog Save Variable dialog Serial Setup dialog Serving dialog Set Goals dialog Text window Target pulse dialog Diary dialog Diary Diary dialog Diet Averaging dialog Double click Drag Female Composition dialog File File|Change dir... File|DOS Shell File|Exit File|Open Charts... File|Open Diaries... File|Open Foods... File|Open Text... File|Open Variables... File|Retrieve Desktop... File|Save As... File|Save Desktop... File|Save File|SaveAs Filter Criteria dialog Find dialog Food Food dialog Food-list dialog Hard dialog Help Index Help Help|Demonstrations... Help|Help Index Help|Help Help|Previous topic Highlighted terms History How To Add Add variable chart Change food's Create chart Create diary Create variable Delete chart Delete Delete diary Delete variable chart Delete variable Edit chart Edit diary Edit variable Edit nutritional information List foods satisfy nutritional criteria Locate foods filtering food-list Post comment diary Post diary Post diary Post variable diary Print, file, information range diary pages Print sequence charts Print diary graphs tables Quickly locate Save Chart-list under Save diary under Save Food-list under Save Variable-list under Save changes Chart-list Save changes diary Save changes Food-list Save changes Variable-list Specify nutritional values Specify serving Specify start chart Use calendar diary View nutritional averages range diary pages View recommended daily allowances Male Composition dialog Menu Structure Normal dialog Open dialog Open Chart dialog Open Diary dialog Open dialog Open Variable dialog Profile dialog Quantity dialog dialog REE Method:Body Weight dialog Replace dialog Retrieve Desktop dialog Retrieve Desktop Save Chart dialog Save Desktop dialog Save Desktop Save Diary dialog Save dialog Save Variable dialog Serial Setup dialog Serving dialog Goals dialog Target pulse dialog Text window Text Text Text|Clear Text|Copy Text|Cut Text|Find Text|Paste command Text|Paste Text|Print Text|Replace Text|Search again Text|Show clipboard Text|Undo Tools Tools|Male Composition Tools|Female Composition Tools|Desirable Weight Tools|Target Pulse Tools|Calculator Variable dialog Variable Variable-list dialog Window|Cascade Window|Clear Desktop Window|Close Window|Iconize Window|Next Window|Previous Window|Size/Move Window|Tile